Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Videos. . .

If You Haven’t Watched Them...  You Simply Can’t Really Know.
Because These Videos Aren’t Opinion, They Expose The Facts Of Our Shared Reality.

“ZEITGEIST - The Movie”  (Suggestion: Get the “Study Guide” - Here -)
“ZEITGEIST II - ADDENDUM”  (Don’t pass it up, and please, share it.)
“The Power Of Nightmares” (Part I) - also - (Part II - and - Part III.)
“BLUE GOLD:  World Water Wars”
“HOME”  (Narrated by Glenn Close)

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The simple complexity of the complex simplicity is beyond most Americans.

The problem with the stupid and ignorant among us is that while they “proudly and patriotically,” allow their own self-destruction by fighting among themselves, as they were programmed to do... is that they are destroying much more than just their environment, their livelihoods, their lives...

They are destroying us all.

Ignorance is curable, stupidity is forever.  Fight the stupid - Educate the ignorant.

Or stupidly pay the price.  Oh, wait... We already are.


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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Few More Reality Quotes. . .

Not Much To Add To The Following Quotes - Enjoy . . .

“What WikiLeaks did was brilliant journalism, and the bleating critics from the president on down are revealing just how low a regard they have for the truth.” – Robert Scheer

“... you have the Obama administration essentially defending the cover-up and the lying that took place, primarily, during the Bush years.” – Michael Moore on Larry King Live, July 27th, 2010

“The Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction says the US Department of Defense is unable to account properly for 96% of the money. - Out of just over $9bn (£5.8bn), $8.7bn is unaccounted for, the inspector says.” – Gabriel Gatehouse at the BBC

“The minions of the corporate media seem to be even more upset than the administration over the release of the Wikileaks documents, and I think I know why: They just can’t bear the thought that they are no longer the gatekeepers.” - Susie Madrak, at Crooks And Liars

“Instead of discrediting Andrew Brietbart for being a lying liar that hurts people, CNN's Kyra Phillips thinks the Shirley Sherrod story means we need to attack anonymous bloggers for their indiscretions.  WTF?  If a liberal blogger had released a phony video that targeted a Republican in the same way as Breitbart did, the outrage that would have followed from the media would have been cataclysmic.  But when it’s done by a conservative hitman ... crickets.” - John Amato, also at Crooks And Liars”

Op-Ed toon below; by Jim Morin, Because Sometimes ‘Jest’ Just Really Exposes Reality.

by Jim Morin

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Just curious...  Why the fuck do you keep “allowing”,
(without any fight... nor even any real protests,)
your own, (and the rest of ours,) destructions?!?

Seriously - Why?!?

Is it simply that you lack the courage?

Have we truly become a nation of cowardly allowers?

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Best Quotes This Week. . .

Not Much To Add To The Following Quotes - Enjoy . . .

“... not everybody is hurting.  While the middle class disappears and poverty increases the wealthiest people in our country are not only doing extremely well, they are using their wealth and political power to protect and expand their very privileged status at the expense of everyone else.” – Sen. Bernie Sanders

“As we stand here today we don't have one Republican vote.” – Sen. John Kerry on Senate Democrats' decision to abandon climate change bill

“Foremost among those realities is the extraordinary militarization of this nation in the post-9/11 era, and the skewing of public debate such that options that don’t involve massive uses of force are essentially disregarded -- actually dismissed as dangerous, when in fact it is war that is dangerous.  This goes a long way to explaining so many of the poor decisions made by our leaders that individually, but only briefly, get the attention of the mass media.” - Dan Froomkin, on Tom Englehart

“Once everybody realized they'd been duped by Breitbart and Fox News - and a hat-tip to CNN and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution for doing the heavy lifting to expose the story for the bag of crap that it was - everybody backpedaled and apologized to Sherrod...everybody except Breitbart and Fox, that is.  They pretty much said the whole thing was the fault of the NAACP and Obama for promoting reverse racism in America.  Yeah, they actually did, which makes you wonder what one has to do to lose credibility in the realm of right-wing news.  Andrew Breitbart and Roger Ailes could bend over double and take a dump on their own faces in the middle of the Washington Mall, and they’d still have plenty of people who treat their swill as if it were holy writ.” - William Rivers Pitt, in “The Dog Whistles”

Op-Ed toon below; by Jim Morin, Because Sometimes ‘Jest’ Just Really Exposes Reality.

by Jim Morin

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Just curious...  Why the fuck do you keep “allowing”,
(without any fight, not even any real protests,)
your own, (and the rest of ours,) destructions?!?

Seriously - Why?!?

Is it simply that you lack the courage?

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Best Article Of The Week...

The Only Perspective I’ve Read That Clearly Exposes Our Reality...
by Chris Hedges at

“Calling All Future-Eaters”

[As usual with, the ‘Comments’ are as enlightening as the article itself.]

After reading the article... Waste one and half hours out of your life - Watch the following...

“The Age of Stupid"

Who knows?  You might actually learn something about the “allowing” I speak of.

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Also “allow” yourself to watch the following, then you might “know”...  Right?


“Blue Gold:  World Water Wars”

“The World Has Divided Into Rich And Poor”

“The Story Of Bottled Water”

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Friday, July 16, 2010

You Just Don’t Get It - Do You?

We Spend More On ‘Our’ “Military Industrial Corporations”. . .
Than All Of The Other Nations On The Planet Do... Combined!

It’s Also More Than We Spend On Every Other Need Within ‘Our’ Own Nation!
More Than Half Of ‘Our’ Entire Budget Goes To The Military Industial Corporations!

by Jim Morin, Because Sometimes ‘Jest’ Just Really Exposes Reality.

by Jim Morin

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Just curious...  Why the fuck do you keep “allowing”,
(without any fight, not even any real protest,)
your own, (and the rest of ours,) destructions?!?

Seriously - Why?!?

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wake Up!  (Oops - Too Late.)

The “Allowing” Just Continues To Get More Insanely “Allowed.”
And The-So-Very-Few Are Laughing Their Asses Off At You For Their “Allowed” Theft.

It doesn’t matter how bad it gets, the allowing just continues to get worse - It is so in-the-face of us Americans, and yet you simply do not react with courage and conviction, or even rationally.
{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

I wanted to be less cynical, but you just can’t stop the “allowing” of your, and our, destructions by the corporatists that have successfully been “allowed”, by you, to take over the whole of what use to be “our” government, for the sole purpose of their profits in wealth and power.

Not that you care, but...
The largest wealth gap in our nation’s history exist right now.
We are the most incarcerated nation in history.
Bottom of the list of 1st world nations in health care.
Top of the list for cost of our ‘health care.’
A military budget higher than all other nations... combined.
Not a few of “our” elected state and federal representatives state publicly they believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old.
Because of it, and much more, the corporatists can no longer even pretend to hide their sneering disdain of you...

We have become “a nation of cowardly allowers.”  As I have often said. . .

The simple complexity of the complex simplicity is beyond most Americans.
[50% of American adults can not read above an eighth grade level. - Source Link]

The problem with the stupid and ignorant among us, is that while they “proudly and patriotically,” allow their own self-destruction by fighting among themselves, as they were programmed to do... is that they are destroying much more than just their environment, their livelihoods, their lives...  They are destroying us all.

Ignorance is curable, stupidity is forever.

Fight the stupid - Educate the ignorant.  Or stupidly pay the price.

Oh, wait...  We already are.

And we definitely deserve what is coming, for - “Allowing” it - To get as bad as it has.

Maybe you haven't noticed yet, but it is going to be allowed to get much worse for us, but not for the successfully sneering so-very-few allowed corporatist thieves.

Do you think they, the-so-very-few successful and allowed corporatist thieves, are going to now allow you to take the money back?!?  Are you really that naïve?!?

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If you haven’t watched the following, then you simply don’t know... Do You?


“Blue Gold:  World Water Wars”

“The World Has Divided Into Rich And Poor”

“The Story Of Bottled Water”

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Do Be Afraid. . .

“Fact After Fact”  Of Our “Allowed & Divided” Reality, Clearly Stated
Found At The Oak Creek Forum.

Max Blumenthal goes inside the Tea Party from Ram Bam on Vimeo.

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by Mr. Fish

Why the fuck do you keep “allowing” your own, (and the rest of ours,) destruction?!?

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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

What Does It Mean. . .

When All Destruction Is Caused By Your Allowing, And You Don’t Stop?
Because The “Allowing” Continues To Be “Allowed,” And I Fear That, More Than “Them”.

Now The Truly Unbelievable!  [And You’ll Obviously Allow It... Again.]
Democrats Face A “Pay Cut” From The Wall Street Thieves.
“Blue Gold: World Water Wars”  [Reprised, in case you missed it.]
Too Big To Jail?  [Well, for a nation of ‘cowardly allowers’...  Yes.]
No, He Won’t... End the ‘Global War on Terror’.
“If Only Information Flowed as Freely as Oil”
“America’s Tragic Descent into Empire”

by Adam Zyglis

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A “Below The Fold” Bonus, from the National Criminal Justice Reference Service

You allowed America to become the most incarcerated nation in history, by raw numbers,
and by percentage of population. . .  You allowed it.  Now, aren’t you proud?


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Sunday, July 04, 2010

July 4, 2010

Hope Yours Is “Allowed” To Be Happy.
It’s My 62rd Fourth, And It’s My Most Worried-About-The-Future One So Far.

by Joel Pett

My “worried-about”?  The fact that you allowed this, and are still allowing much more than this, and you will continue to allow. . .  Without any real effort to punish anyone.  Not one person has been fired or punished in any way what-so-ever for any of the destruction of the last 10 years.

Not one - Think about it - You are a nation of cowardly allowers.

The corporatists know you better than you do.  Why do you think they don’t even attempt to hide their bored disdain of you?  Seriously - Think about it, (since obviously you haven’t so far.)

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Why the fuck do you keep “allowing” your own, (and the rest of ours,) destruction?!?

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Saturday, July 03, 2010

Please, Just The Facts. . .

“Fact After Fact”  Of Our “Allowed & Divided” Reality, Clearly Stated
by The Kind People At Democracy Now!.

Here’s Another Fact For You...  “No Austerity For The Rich”

Oh, And Here’s Another ‘Fact’...  “Myths Of Austerity”

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Why the fuck do you keep “allowing” your own, (and the rest of ours,) destruction?!?

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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Hard, But Necessary, Reading...

Not Easy Reading, But Definitely Necessary, To Be Able To Understand...
by The Old Hippie Because So Many, Way Too Many, Are Still, Insanely, “Allowing” It All...

  -  The Tea Party Is Dangerous: Dispelling 7 Myths. . .
      It may be fashionable to dismiss the Tea Party, but we do so at our peril.

  -  “We Can’t Afford War”
      Cut the war budget?  Don’t confused “war budget” with defense budget.        

  -  “The Michael Hastings ‘Hanging out’ Theorem”
      And MSM wonders why we have such a dim view of their credibility.

by Shannon Wheeler
Never forget, never doubt, stop denying...  That. . .
Our “allowed” wars are only for the purpose of corporate profits... and nothing else.

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The following is reprised, because it needs to be emphasized, over, and over again...
{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

40% of American adults are functionally illiterate, and can not read above a 4th grade level.  Almost one-half of our adult citizens.  With this singular fact in hand, you should be able to begin to understand how the “allowed” manipulative theft, by the-very-few among us, has been able to continue to succeed.  How FOX is still able to continue it’s ongoing and allowed propaganda of lies and distortions.  How the corrupt corporatists “were allowed” to take-over our government.  And how the Separation of Church and State is in their way.

Just simple, but profitable, manipulation of the 40% of us who are ignorant.  That have been manipulated into believing that truth is “liberal bias,” and have been manipulated into “proudly and patriotically” voting against their own health, freedoms, liberties, securities, and needs.

As I have often said. . .

The simple complexity of the complex simplicity is beyond most Americans.

The problem with the stupid and ignorant among us, is that while they “proudly and patriotically,” allow their own self-destruction by fighting among themselves, as they were programmed to do... is that they are destroying much more than just their environment, their livelihoods, their lives...  They are destroying us all.

Ignorance is curable, stupidity is forever.

Fight the stupid - Educate the ignorant.  Or stupidly pay the price.

Oh, wait...  We already are.

And one last thing, just for you proudly ignorant Christians out there. . .

“The national government will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests.  It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality.  Today Christians stand at the head of our country.  We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.  We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press — in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of LIBERAL excess during the past years.”

— Adolph Hitler - Taken from The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1, Michael Hakeem, Ph.D. (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pp. 871-872.

Seriously - What the fuck are you going to do about It?

Fox is simply a propaganda outfit for the corporatists, manipulating, and misinforming the people of America at a level unseen in our Constitutional Democracy's history - Blatantly - Sneeringly.

The-very-few are on a buying spree, as the majority of Americans are going under - America has gone under before, but not with the robber barons being so openly and sneeringly blatant about their take from their “allowed” successful theft, and the thieves, the-very-very-few, purposeful, but profitable to them, destruction of “the American Dream.”

Goldman Sacs is giving out over $30-Billion dollars in bonuses to just a few of the-very-few.  Can't get more blatant - It is so blatant that even some of the staff are arming themselves in fear of a retaliatory uprising.

Climate...  The denial is impossible to deny.  The danger inherent in the denial is undeniable also.  The ability of the corporatists to openly manipulate the fodder-units into supporting their own self-destruction is also undeniable, and the danger of that manipulated self-destructive denial is beyond blatant - All for the very short-term profits to the-very-very-few among us.

Yet, America continues to “allow” it all, and much more that is destructive to our own needs...  But extremely profitable to the-very-very-few among us.

Seriously - What the fuck are you going to do about it?

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