Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Reality Observed. . .

Some Have The Ability To “Put It All Together” - Here Are But A Few...
by The Old Hippie Because “He” May Be “Allowed” To Remain In Power Until January 2009.

  -  “It Can Happen Here” - It's Already Begun, Have You Noticed?

  -  Five US Generals ‘Will Quit’ if Bush Orders Iran Attack

  -  “Brothers in Arms” - BushCo Arming Al Qaeda to Thwart Iran

  -  “Dissension in the Ranks” - 60 Minutes Video

  -  The Iraq Effect - A Sevenfold Increase in Terrorism Worldwide

  -  “A Far Too Convenient $mear” - Right's $mearing Exposed
 Your Right

  -  The Opposition is Gaining on George W. Bush's Faith Based Initiative - Finally

  -  “Where Are Iraq's Superbombs Coming From, Really?” - Updated

  -  “First Freedom Project” - “...like asking Col. Sanders to babysit your pet chicken.”

[ A Keith Olbermann “Special Comment” video Is Below The Fold. . . ]

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[ A Windows Media video, right-click for Zoom, etc. controls.  Original Here. ]

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Seeing The Reality. . .

Seymour M. Hersh Needs No Introduction, Or Qualifying Remarks.
by Seymour Hersh, In This Upcoming March 5, 2007 Issue Of The New Yorker Magazine.

“Our Government’s Gone Completely Insane and I’m Writing About It in the New Yorker for the 30th Time Even Though None of You Seem to Listen.”

[-Here Is The Direct Link To The Article-]

Warning to those Fox watchers that may stop by...
It's not a short “soundbite,” and requires thought.

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Nothing else - Please take the time to read/study/absorb the reality.

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

It Seems That. . .

Someone Agrees With Me About The Worse Case Scenario Reality.
by The Old Hippie Because It Is Nice Knowing That One Is Not Alone In Thought.

“Eisenhower, . . . in January of 1961, in his last speech before vacating the White House to make room for the just-elected John F. Kennedy, warned America of a “disastrous rise of misplaced power” if we continued allowing the germination of a new historical entity he called “the military-industrial complex.”

Very few Americans knew what the heck Eisenhower was talking about.  We do now.

It's 46 years later, and we are rapidly coming to realize the federal government really doesn't run this country anymore.  Huge, shady corporations with fat federal contracts do.”

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

The above quote is by John Hanchette, a professor of journalism at St. Bonaventure University, is a former editor of the Niagara Gazette and a Pulitzer Prize-winning national correspondent.  He was a founding editor of USA Today and was recently named by Gannett as one of the Top 10 reporters of the past 25 years.

He is a mainstream award winning reporter, and he agrees with my previous postings on this concept that “America” is, in reality - Gone.  This saddens me, as I keep hoping that the “doom & gloom” I see, and post here, will be proven wrong.  It is not hyperbole to say that this is beginning to horrify me.

Here Is The Direct Link To His Full Article.

A second reality is that much of the damage that has been done, that my fellow American citizens did allow, and to this very hour are still allowing - Is now simply no longer “fixable.”

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What I fear most, more so day-by-day. . . is the fact that nothing “real” has been done, or is being done, so far, to stop this sneeringly open, and criminal, theft and insanity.  The human deaths continue to mount, the environmental destruction continues to worsen, the security of freedoms and liberties continue to deteriorate, not only here in America, but also worldwide. . .  And yet - Nothing “real” has been, or is currently being done to stop the “allowing” to continue unabated.

“Wake The Fuck Up!”  Just doesn't cover it anymore, does it?

I'm at least glad to see that the reality is beginning to finally seep into the mainstream media.

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

In Case You Missed It. . .

Noam Chomsky At Columbia University On American Foreign Policy
by The Old Hippie Because He Has Never Been Shown To Be Wrong On This.

[ A Typical Google Video - You Know What To Do ]

“We have to hear the critical voices now, because the critical voices have been right, and uncannily so, because we're entering an even more dangerous period clearly right now.”

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Listen to him - Nothing else here.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Can't Say We Weren't Warned. . .

It's Happened, The American Worse Case Scenario Is Now Our Reality.
by The Old Hippie Because It Is Here, And The Allowing May Possibly Not Be Allowed To Stop.

I'm not going to rant.  Like so many others in the reality-based American citizenry, I've ranted, warned, pleaded, begged, and rationalized as rationally and loudly as possible, until I'm blue in the face, with very little success, and mostly in vain, as the following proofs of our shared reality clearly exposes to even the most skeptical, and/or naive American.

Note: The following links are just “get you started” links.  Please do further research of your own, think, talk about it, and spread the word to as many of the as of yet unawakened as you are able - Or there is simply no hope - And that is not bombast any longer, as it’s already way too late in way too many areas, and way too many American citizens still aren't aware it has happened.  Also remember to click on the “Below The Fold” link for more of the proofs.

The Proofs:  [The “order” of this listing is not significant, as most are of equal importance.]

 -  The Purposeful Transfer (theft) of America's Wealth:  [Proof-1]  [Proof-2]  [Proof-3]

 -  The Purposeful Destruction of the Constitution:  [Proof-1]  [Proof-2]  [Proof-3]

 -  Aggressive Militaristic Privatized Global Empire:  [Proof-1]  [Proof-2]  [Proof-3]

 -  America is Ruled by Corporatists War Profiteers:  [Proof-1]  [Proof-2]  [Proof-3]

 -  The Corporatists' Privatization of America:  [Proof-1]  [Proof-2]  [Proof-3]  [Proof-4]

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 -  America is Not a Fascist Nation Yet - Right?:  [Proof-1]  [Proof-2]  [Proof-3]  [Proof-4]

 -  The Christian Dominionists are Determined that it Will Be:  [Proof-1]  [Proof-2]

 -  The Land of the Free is the Most imprisoned Nation, In History:  [Proof-1]  [Proof-2]

 -  #1?  America by the Numbers:  [Proof-1]

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

“America” Is Gone. . .

It Could've Only Been Destroyed From Within, And It Has Happened. . .
by The Old Hippie, Because We All, We American “Citizens,” Have Allowed It To Happen.


We are all guilty.  Even we in the infamous “reality-based” American citizenry didn't do enough to stop the growth of the only possibility of the destruction of “our” American Constitutional Democracy, the allowed destruction from within.  As it was predicted, and feared, by the Founders of this once great nation.  We allowed it by allowing the opportunistic coming together of mainly three groups' agendas; The greed of the corporatists - The blind insanity of the theocratic fundamentalists - And the impossible delusions of an all powerful Pax Americana (militaristic) Empire of the neo-cons.

Oh yes, “America” still exist, and the illusion that the Constitutional Democracy, the “liberty and justice for all,” the government of, by, and for the people, might still exist... This persistent illusion has itself become a tool for the most powerful of the three groups, the corporatists thieves that have been allowed, quite successfully, to transfer the entire wealth of this nation, and then some, to their few.

I consider the corporatists the most powerful, not just because of their allowed successful theft of America's wealth, but also because they also successfully, and efficiently, were allowed to replace all of “our” governmental regulatory, and social safety-net, agencies with their own ex-CEOs, lobbyists, lawyers, and sycophants, plus with their historically unprecedented control of America's wealth, they were allowed to re-structure, with their elected representatives, not ours, all three branches, congressional, executive, and judicial, of America's government.

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After the 2002 mid-term elections, and especially when America “re-elected” this administration in 2004, I lost almost all of my optimism - I was simply dumbfounded that my nation would allow what was obviously a 2nd openly corrupted national election to be accepted, after allowing an illegal aggressive war on a nation that had not attacked, and was of absolutely no threat to us whatsoever, after allowing the guilty to go completely unpunished when the lies were exposed, and the new lies about the original lies were also exposed, to all Americans... after the exposure of the take-over of all of “our” governmental agencies by the corporatists was exposed and allowed to be left uncorrected and unpunished, after the openly and sneeringly arrogant corruption of the ruling party was exposed, after the illegal cover up of the realities of global warming and other environmental sciences' realities that conflicted with their profits-over-everything-else was allowed to remain uncorrected and unpunished, after the exposure that the military-industrial-corporations, the energy/extractive corporations, the ag-chem corporations, the pharmaceutical, et al, corporations actually do share many members of their boards of directors with the boards of all of the six mainstream corporate media corporations, that also cross-share board members and control almost all of “our” informational media, the so-called fourth branch of “our” government, and that all of these corporations have been allowed to remain uncorrected, after the obvious theft by war-profiteering was fully exposed, and proven to lead all the way up through this criminal administration to the even the president's family, has been allowed to remain unpunished, and that impeachment may be allowed to not even be possible. . .  All of that, and so much more that has also become exposed reality of late - All of it to this very hour still allowed to be uncorrected and unpunished. . .  “Dumbfounded” just doesn't cover it anymore.  Really frustratingly angry might come closer.

But then the mid-term elections of 2006 happened - An unexpected correction.  My optimism soared!  But here it is, February 20, 2007, 3½ months past that election, and all of it is still being allowed to continue to go on...  uncorrected and unpunished.  It was not enemies from without that did this to us - It was the allowing of our enemies from within - We, all of us, did allow this to happen ourselves, and to the undeserving rest of the planet.

To be quite honest, I believe they, the rest of the planet's citizens, have every right to do all that they can to stop, to correct, and to rationally punish, what we Americans have allowed our, now obvious to even ourselves, arrogantly corrupt, illegal, and deadly government to inflict upon them.

Does this mean I've given up on the possibility of saving my “America” from these criminals?  No.  But I am no longer naive.  I know the American government's constitutional democracy's systems have been broken in many bad, maybe irreparable, ways.  But I also know that bad political opportunistic conspiracies can be defeated in many historically proven ways - I will continue to fight them, as long as I am “allowed” to - And I think quite realistically, if the corporatists' aren't stopped, not just in this nation, but worldwide, then this planet's human soul is doomed.

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Impeachment Progress. . .

A State-By-State Breakdown Of The Progress Of The Impeachment
by The Web Site At WWW.IMPEACHBUSH.TV, Because The MSM Is Not Telling You.

Here is the direct link to the state-by-state breakdown.

So far, I haven't seen any of the corporately controlled mainstream media reporting on this important development.  Of the 22 states listed there so far, at least 8 have passed meaningful resolutions, and none have rejected it.  Of the cities there are many with resolutions on the books, a lot have passed, only one, Lake Station, in Indiana has rejected it so far as I know at this time.

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As in the case of global warming, and other areas, the states are leading where “our” federal government should be.  Even though it is obviously too late to correct a lot of the damage already done by this corrupt and criminal administration, this still may be our only hope of starting the stopping, to actually do something real to end the allowing.  Beyond this legislative possibility, the only other way I can see that has any real hope of being able to stop them. . . would be a sustained nationwide in-the-streets revolt.

If a revolt is too ugly for you, then you best start helping your cities, and states to push this impeachment process along in a timely manner - Right?  If you haven't already started, then the above link is a good place to start.

Think about it. . .

Is It Too Late?

Even If It Is “Too Late” - It Must Be Done Anyway!

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Reality Check. . .

My Nation's Citizens Are Just Now Barely Waking Up To The Reality
by The Old Hippie Because Periodic Reality Checks Are A Part Of Staying Informed.

The number one reality is that the political leadership of our nation has been taken over by a combination of three groups.  The opportunistic profits-over-everything military-industrial-complex corporatists - The insane theocratic ideological fundamentalists - And the dangerously delusional Pax Americana Imperialists neo-cons.  Without accepting that a combination of all three of these groups are actually running, and ruining, America... you do not stand a chance of doing any reality-based elimination of, nor even the mitigation of, the undeniable damage they have already have wrought.

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

The following list of reality-based links are presented without comment, as they speak for themselves.  They are simply the exposures of our current reality.  Sadly, as our shared recent American history has proven, those that need to know the reality the most, will not read them, and those that basically already know the truth will.

[Link 1] | [Link 2] | [Link 3] | [Link 4] | [Link 5] | [Link 6]
[Link 7] | [Link 8] | [Link 9] | [Link 10] | [Link 11] | [Link 12]
[Link 13] | [Link 14] | [Link 15] | [Link 16] | [Link 17]
[Link 18] | [Link 19] | [Link 20] | [Link 21] | [Link 22]
[ - The Best Article of the Day Describing Our Reality - ]
[ - Best Anti-Christ Archetype Site I've Found So Far - ]

The second reality is that much of the damage that has been done, that my fellow American citizens did allow, and to this very hour are still allowing - Is now simply no longer “fixable.”

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What I fear most, more so day-by-day. . . is the fact that nothing “real” has been done, or is being done, so far, to stop this sneeringly open, and criminal, theft and insanity.  The human deaths continue to mount, the environmental destruction continues to worsen, the security of freedoms and liberties continue to deteriorate, not only here in America, but also worldwide. . .  And yet - Nothing “real” has been, or is currently being done to stop the “allowing” to continue unabated.

“Wake The Fuck Up!”  Just doesn't cover it anymore, does it?

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Short Quotes, Speaking Volumes...

From The Crisis Papers’s Excellent And Reality-Based Web Site
by Jonathan Schell of The Nation, Bernard Weiner and Ernest Partridge of The Crisis Papers

[ I strongly suggest following the links after the quotes, to read the author's full text. ]

“The danger is not abstract or merely symbolic.  Bush's abuses of presidential power are the most extensive in American history...  There is a name for a system of government that wages aggressive war, deceives its citizens, violates their rights, abuses power and breaks the law, rejects judicial and legislative checks on itself, claims power without limit, tortures prisoners and acts in secret.  It is dictatorship.”

[by Jonathan Schell - Read the full text here.]

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“I am ... unwilling to endorse demands for immediate bills of impeachment against Bush and Cheney, for the simple and compelling reason that such an approach is less likely to succeed.  Recent history teaches us that the direct route to impeachment may not be the most effective.”

I wrote this, and believed this, last December 5.  Intervening events, and some sober reflection, have convinced me that I was wrong.

The intervening events.  Since I wrote those words, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has told the Congress, under oath, that the Constitution does not guarantee the protection of habeas corpus to the citizens of the United States.  If he believes this and acts accordingly, Gonzales has violated his oath of office.  So too the President and Vice President if they endorse Gonzales’ opinion.  Congress must demand that Bush, Cheney and Gonzales repudiate the Attorney General's pronouncement and reaffirm their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.  If they refuse, then they must be removed from office.

In addition, both Bush and Cheney have expressed their determination to add more troops to the Iraqi occupation force, despite the opposition of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, an accumulating roster of the military, both active and retired, the Iraq Study Group, the American Public, and the Congress.  By announcing that nothing, not even an act of Congress, will deter them, the Bush/Cheney team have, in effect, proclaimed themselves dictators.  If this proclamation is to fall short of an implementation of rule by decree, the Congress must promptly and decisively reinstate its co-equal status with the Bush Administration, and it must send back that message to the White House with an explicit threat of impeachment.

Finally, over the past two months it has become apparent that Bush and Cheney might launch an attack on Iran.  Most informed observers agree that this would be an act of insanity, that would unite the world against the United States, probably sharply curtail the production and shipment of oil from the Persian Gulf throwing the US and the world into a depression, and just possibly igniting a third World War.  This attack might be prevented by an act of Congress refusing to fund such an attack and proclaiming explicitly that the Congress, in accordance with its Constitutional authority, forbids the President to launch an attack against Iran.  That act of Congress should state that failure of the President to obey this act would result in impeachment.

[by Ernest Partridge - Read the full text here.]

“My investigative-reporter hero from the 1950s and '60s, I. F. Stone, told me decades later that he delighted in finding news nuggets not in front-page articles but buried deep inside, sometimes in the closing paragraphs, of mass-media stories.

This observation has served me well in doing political analysis over the years.  It has helped me figure out how best to read articles, and has reinforced my theory of news reporting as too often being sleight-of-hand entertainment: distracting your eyes and mind while the real object for scrutiny is secreted elsewhere.

Indeed, one could carry the argument even further:  Politics is distraction, often a weapon of mass-distraction.  Usually, government officials and their P.R. toadies want you to look one place while they carry out their dirty deeds somewhere else.

What made me think about all this was the little-talked-about subject generally missing from, or on occasion hidden deep inside, stories about Bush's military "surge" into Iraq.


[by Bernard Weiner - Read the full text here.]

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Monday, February 12, 2007

You're Going To. . .

You Are Going To “Allow” Them To Do It All - Again - In Iran!
by The Old Hippie, Because The Same MO Is Already Happening, And You’re Allowing It - Again!


A little over two months ago I wrote...  “I really thought they had won, as I'm sure they also thought so too.  I had begun to believe they had been allowed to accomplished enough damage to successfully convert America into - “something” - other than the America we learned about in our civics classes.  That “something” has many realities, all of which are terrifying; an out of control Corporatist carnivore, an oppressive Theocratic-Corporatist opportunist, the neocon's Pax Americana Empire wetdream, a combination of all of the above...  But what it all boils down to is, even though they lost this past election, ... they did successfully complete the largest theft in all of written history.

We're not talking millions, or even billions...  We're talking about the reality of trillions of dollars.  So, in that sense, they did win, (actually, we in our collective stupidity, allowed it.)  Even though we may have got our government back - We'll never get even a fraction of the money back.”

Quite simply, when I wrote that, I was wrong.  We didn't get “our” government back at all.

Doubt it?  Then read more “Below The Fold,” then follow the provided links of proof:

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We, US, You - - Blew it big time.  They are knowingly sneering at all of our “protests,” at our unending outrage of their successful lies, and theft, and torture, and deaths that have kept their war-profits rolling in, at our inability to stop “allowing” them their continued spreading of fears and wars to keep their unprecedented war profits pouring into their pockets-of-the-few.

By their actions toward Iran - Ignoring the will of the large majority of us, the American citizens, and the large majority of our alliess' citizens, and with the help of “our” congressional representatives, that are suppose to represent the Us, simply by their non-action are doing nothing real to stop them,  By the hiding of reality by their corporatists' controlled media.  By their sycophants, the “talking-heads,” whose future employment is dependent on them remaining in power.  By the ongoing corporatists' take-over-control of our American Constitutional Democracy, by digging deeper, and clutching tighter, to every part of “our” governmental structures.

By the obviousness of all that has been exposed - They have proven that they really do believe that you, us, “we will allow them” - again - their continued deadly theft, this time in Iran.

They just may be right.

They are proven to be murderous corporatist thieves that by every no-bid-contract, by every signing statement, by every decision, by every action, by their ceaseless slapping-you-in-the-face with the reality of their theft, by their complete ignoring of the will of the people, the congress, and our allies. . .  and you are going to do nothing to stop them - You are going to allow them their war in Iran - Aren't you?

The Links of Proof:

For Neocons, an Attack on Iran Has Been a Six-Year Project

The Media Escalates its Lies about Iran

Cheney Aide Says 2007 Attack on Iran is Real Possibility

“Despite Denials, Pentagon Plans for Possible Attack on Nuclear Sites are Well Advanced”

“Rumors of War” - Blowup?  America’s Hidden War With Iran

A Third Aircraft Carrier “will likely” Deploy to the Persian Gulf

A Budget for Permanent War

Addicted to War

Churchill Quote

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Want To Really Know?

If You Want To Know Our History And How It Relates To The Now. . .
Because Knowledge Is Power - And - Without It You Will Allow Your Own destruction.

Just go to http://www.addictedtowar.com/ and buy all three items there - Then watch, read, study, and absorb the information they contain - Then simply spread the info, buy multiple copies and disperse them to family and friends - Simple, easy, not expensive, and you will be contributing to possibly stopping the murderous thieves that were purposely selected to be allowed to transfer the wealth of this nation into the hands of their few, at any cost to the rest of us.

A review of "Addicted To War" can be read here.

It's a lucid time line of 230 years of American wars and conflicts.  It's a well-researched text, footnoted from sources as varied as international newspapers, Department of Defense documents, and transcripts of speeches from scores of world leaders.  It's been endorsed by such antiwar stalwarts as Susan Sarandon, Noam Chomsky, Helen Caldicott, Cindy Sheehan, and Howard Zinn, who called it “a witty and devastating portrait of US military history.”

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Nothing else - Just do it.

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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Amazing. . .

It Keeps Getting Worse, And My Fellow Citizens Keep Allowing It To. . .
by The Old Hippie Because. . .

We who fought against the allowing, from the start, don't deserve the coming blow-back from the allowed crimes, the coming retaliations for the hundreds of thousands of allowed innocent deaths, the coming horrors because of the resultant allowed environmental destructions, (many of which are now not reversible,) all of which are the direct result of your cowardly criminal continued allowing of the “Triumph of the Monsters.”

The fact that you, the collective you that have allowed nothing real to be done to stop these murderous thieves, their minions/cohorts/cronies/sycophants, means you fully share in the guilt of their crimes that you have allowed, and are still continuing to allow.  The rest of us do not - But we in America's reality-based minority know we will be forced to share in your eventual punishments.

Have you done anything to stop them?  Will you?

It is now obvious that even this new opposition party of Democrats in both houses are incapable of doing anything, or simply don't have the will to.  The only way to stop them - Is to stop them, to stop the allowing - And only the Collective Us, together, can stop them - Without Your Revolt - They will continue to be allowed to make it all much-much worse for all of us, and to continue to insure and secure their successful theft of this planets wealth into the pockets of their few.

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It amazes me how the collective you that allowed all of it, can still yawn in the face of such obvious self-destruction.  Just amazing. . .

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Reality Observed. . .

Some Have The Ability To “Put It All Together” - Here Are But A Few...
by The Old Hippie Because “He” May Be “Allowed” To Remain In Power Until January 2009.

  -  “War on Iran: Stop Bush Before He Starts” - Robert Parry

  -  The Doomsday Clock Has Been Moved Forward - BBC

  -  “ExxonMobil's War on Science” - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

  -  White House Rejects Mandatory CO2 Caps - John Heilprin

  -  CO2 at Highest Level in 650,000 Years - Steve Connor

  -  Scientists Offered Cash to Dispute Climate Study - Ian Sample
 Your Right

  -  “Snowed: The Media Remains Silent on Global Warming” - Mother Jones Magazine

  -  “Waking Up and Catching Up” - The Economist, Online

  -  “Warming ‘Likely’ Man-Made, Unstoppable” - Seth Borenstein

[ You may wish to view the following video, Below The Fold. . . ]

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  -  $622,000,000,000 More - And You Will “Allow” It Again - Now Won't You?
[ Halliburton's No-Bid Contracts Up 600% - And You Will “Allow” Those Also - Won't You? ]

Direct Link To Mark Fiore's Animation Gallery

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

You Will. . .

You're Going To “Allow” Them To Get Away With It All Again. . .
by The Frustrated Old Hippie Because You Have Done Nothing “Real” To Stop Them.

It is beyond any possible bombast what my nation's citizens have allowed this administration to get away with, now well proven to be corrupted, and openly/sneeringly criminal, without any real protest, without revolt.  The following stats are well documented, and sourced throughout this blog, and many other sources, and all easily verified by simple web searches. None of it is like new news now.  But they are all in the “No Way, Not In My America!” realm of delusion's reality.

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

- America is the most imprisoned nation in history, and most of the American prisoners are in corporate, not governmental prisons - [ Link ]
- The cherished habeas corpus is not just weakened, but gone - [ Link ]
- Most of America's sovereignty had been replaced by self-centered corrupt, for-profit-only corporate rule - [ Link ]
- As the Libby trial is exposing to everyone, the treasonous outing of one of our CIA operatives, does lead all the way to the president, and vice-president - [ Link ]
- They have bankrupted America directly into their own few pockets, at a successful level unprecedented in all of written history - [ Link ]
- America was a free democracy, but reality-based research proves it is now a profit-driven military empire - [ Link ]

Add in the corporatists' opportunistic use of, and their political manipulation of, the insane Rapturists, and the radical Dominionists, which has quite possibly brought about the destruction of America's cherished Separation of Church and State, and you have the reality of the classic definition of a fascist state, except in these modern times it has been enhanced into something that, maybe, has grown beyond the control of even the corrupt corporatist profiteers themselves. - But that couldn't have happened in your America - Could it?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =  <  B e l o w  T h e  F o l d  >  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 

What I fear most, more so day-by-day. . . is the fact that nothing “real” has been done, or is being done, so far, to stop this sneeringly open, and criminal, theft and insanity.  The human deaths continue to mount, the environmental destruction continues to worsen, the security of freedoms and liberties continue to deteriorate, not only here in America, but also worldwide. . .  And yet - Nothing “real” has been, or is currently being done to stop the “allowing” to continue unabated.

“Wake The Fuck Up!”  Just doesn't cover it.  In many areas it is already too late.

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