It's not that everything else isn't important - It is - But it is the importance of the “everything else” that is being used/manipulated to hide the importance of the impact of the theft itself. The simple theft, including its complex effects, is the cause, but it is also the reason for everything else's importance.
They are not incompetent, or stupid. They are/were very successful at what they do/did - Which was to steal almost the entire wealth, and the control of the wealth, of this nation. They have already accomplished it quite well. So well in fact, they are still being “allowed” the continuation of the theft as I write this. They are not war-mongers, they are uber-profits-mongers. Thieves. They have proven that they were/are very efficient and capable in their theft. By accumulating the wealth, and their power of the control of the wealth, they have also proven their competent abilities in not only taking over
full control of what use to be our governmental structures, in both the foreign policy and domestic arenas, but also in the consolidation and control of the nation's media - Simply by burying the importance of the theft, and the importance of the theft's profit's power to control, under the “importance” of the constructed misdirections, under the created and manipulated fears, under the disguising of the intuitive placement of their sycophants, under the purposeful, (and quite competent,) blatant lies, and finally under the carefully produced misinformational delusion of the appearance that they care.
If you’re an American that’s still giving the thieves the benefit of the doubt, or you can't accept or believe that they simply don't care, or you think it has something to do with anything other than the money/profits/wealth, then you really haven't been paying attention, and you are the problem.
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[The following is updated commentary from one of my earlier postings.]
After the 2002 mid-term elections, and especially when America “re-elected” this administration in 2004, I lost almost all of my optimism - I was simply dumbfounded that my nation would allow what was obviously a 2nd openly corrupted national election to be accepted, after allowing an illegal aggressive war on a nation that had not attacked, and was of absolutely no threat to us whatsoever, after allowing the guilty to go completely unpunished when the lies were exposed, and the new lies about the original lies were also exposed, to all Americans... after the exposure of the take-over of all of “our” governmental agencies by the corporatists was exposed and allowed to be left uncorrected and unpunished, after the openly and sneeringly arrogant corruption of the ruling party was exposed, after the illegal cover up of the realities of global warming and other environmental sciences’ realities that conflicted with their profits-over-everything-else was allowed to remain uncorrected and unpunished, after the exposure that the military-industrial-corporations, the energy/extractive corporations, the ag-chem corporations, the pharmaceutical, et al, corporations actually do share many members of their boards of directors with the boards of all of the eight mainstream corporate media corporations, that also cross-share board members and control almost all of “our” informational media, the so-called fourth branch of “our” government, and that all of these corporations have been allowed to remain uncorrected, after the obvious theft by war-profiteering was fully exposed, and proven to lead all the way up through this criminal administration to the even the president’s family, has been allowed to remain unpunished, and that impeachment may be allowed to not even be possible. . . All of that, and so much more that has also become exposed reality of late - All of it to this very hour still allowed to be uncorrected and unpunished. . . “Dumbfounded” just doesn't cover it anymore. Really frustratingly angry might come closer.
But then the mid-term elections of 2006 happened - An unexpected correction. My optimism soared! But here it is, March 17th, 2007, 4½ months, [now April 27th and nothing has changed yet,] past that election, and all of it is still being allowed to continue to go on... uncorrected and unpunished. It was not enemies from without that did this to us - It was the allowing of our enemies from within - We, all of us, did allow this to happen ourselves, and to the undeserving rest of the planet.
To be quite honest, I believe they, the rest of the planet’s citizens, have every right to do all that they can to stop, to correct, and to rationally punish, what we Americans have allowed our, (now obvious to even ourselves,) arrogantly corrupt, illegal, and deadly government to inflict upon them.
Does this mean I’ve given up on the possibility of saving my “America” from these criminals? No. But I am no longer naive. I know the American government’s constitutional democracy’s systems have been broken in many bad, maybe irreparable, ways. But I also know that bad political opportunistic conspiracies can be defeated in many historically proven ways - I will continue to fight them, as long as I am “allowed” to - And I think quite realistically, if the corporatists’ aren’t stopped, not just in this nation, but worldwide, then this planet’s human soul is doomed.
“The Iraq War carries on. The deaths continue to pile up. We are not just the #1 CO2 polluter, we are greatly increasing how much we spew. The Bush administration is actively working [actually helping] to loosen the hold that cities and towns have over public water, enabling corporations [who are not answerable to the American people] to own the very thing we depend on for survival.” Bush did accomplish his surge, you didn't stop him. You allowed his administration, and their corporatists cronies to steal all of our money, allowed them to transfer almost all of it into their few pockets through corrupt no-bid contracts, etc. You allowed them their proven lies, only to again allow them to get away with lying about the original lies, not just once, but multiple times. No wonder they sneer at you. No wonder they think you are stupid. You keep allowing them to prove it. It's not like they are hiding the theft, and its associated crimes - They're as blatant about it as any corruptly arrogant oligarchy could possibly be - But yet - YOU keep allowing, without any real protests or revolt.
{-The Way Many Picture Me-}
[Not to repeat myself, but...] Even today, after all that has been exposed and proven, way too many of the reasonable majority still can not acceptthe fact that their government is no longer theirs, that their government is now run by the proven to be unreasonable criminally corrupt and uber-war-profiteering corporatists, (that are still being “allowed” to successfully manipulate, and use, the agendas of both the delusional neo-cons, and the greed-driven ideological insanity of the con-artist leaders of both the Rapture/End-Times and Dominionists Evangelical “Christians,”) to further their hold on, and control of, our government - For no more noble reason than to simply increase their already proven destructive uber-profits to themselves. Profits of wealth, as well as the profits of the power of the control of the profits of the wealth.
Oil? Water? Food? Environment? biodiversity? genocide? Extinction of ½ of all animal and plant life by 2100? Global warming's coming, and already happening destructions? The cares, concerns, worries of the 99.99% of the rest of us on the planet? As unreasonable as it is, the reality today is that way too many people in America, and worldwide, still belive, think, (desperately hope?,) that these unreasonably arrogant corporatists leaders care, or are concerned, or are worried - that we care - When the proven reality is that they don’t care, nor are concerned, nor worried - that we care.
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What I fear most, more so day-by-day. . . Is the fact that the human deaths continue to mount, the environmental destruction continues to worsen, the security of freedoms and liberties continue to deteriorate, not only here in America, but also worldwide. . . Plus the fact that the reality of the threat of “nuclear winter” has returned. . . And yet - Nothing “real” has been accomplished to stop the “allowing” to continue unabated.
The only politicians that have shown any real courage, and/or ethical connection to our reality, have been senators Henry Waxman and Dennis Kucinich.
“Wake The Fuck Up!” Is becoming, hour by hour, more valid a rant now, than it was before 1992, and 2000, and 2003, and 2004. . .
[When you watch the video below, really try not to get angry, or sickened, or scared, or even surprised - Because “you allowed it” to get this bad, this insane, this frightening.]
Kauzlarich, now a battalion commanding officer at Fort Riley in Kansas, further suggested the Tillman family’s unhappiness with the findings of past investigations might be because of the absence of a Christian faith in their lives.
In an interview with, Kauzlarich said: “When you die, I mean, there is supposedly a better life, right? Well, if you are an atheist and you don’t believe in anything, if you die, what is there to go to? Nothing. You are worm dirt. So for their son to die for nothing, and now he is no more — that is pretty hard to get your head around that. So I don’t know how an atheist thinks. I can only imagine that that would be pretty tough.”
Asked by whether the Tillmans’ religious beliefs are a factor in the ongoing investigation, Kauzlarich said, “I think so. There is not a whole lot of trust in the system or faith in the system [by the Tillmans]. So that is my personal opinion, knowing what I know.”
[ A Windows Media video, right-click for Zoom, etc. controls. Original Here. ]
- “Fevered Pitch: What Advertising Has In Store For Us All” “No, it’s not just your imagination. The number of ads and marketing messages that you encounter in any given day is actually increasing, and growing at a rate that has surprised even the most cynical of us.
- “Symbionts And Parasites” - (Note: You arestill“allowing” the parasites to rule.) Heretofore, as our commonwealth moved dangerously from a regime of mutual advantage (symbiosis) toward a parasitism of wealth and privilege, these abuses were “pushed back” by the checks and balances of our tri-partite government, by the law and the courts, by a free and diverse press, and by the ballot box.
NEW YORK A new survey of 1,502 adults released Sunday by Pew Research Center for the People & the Press found that despite the mass appeal of the Internet and cable news since a previous poll in 1989, Americans' knowledge of national affairs has slipped a little. For example, only 69% know that Dick Cheney is vice president, while 74% could identify Dan Quayle in that post in 1989.
Other details are equally eye-opening. Pew judged the levels of knowledgeability (correct answers) among those surveyed and found that those who scored the highest were regular watchers of Comedy Central's The Daily Show and Colbert Report. They tied with regular readers of major newspapers in the top spot -- with 54% of them getting 2 out of 3 questions correct. Watchers of the Lehrer News Hour on PBS followed just behind.
Virtually bringing up the rear were regular watchers of Fox News. Only 1 in 3 could answer 2 out of 3 questions correctly. Fox topped only network morning show viewers.
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Told that Shia was one group of Muslims struggling in Iraq, only 32% of the total sample could name "Sunni" as the other key group.
The percentage of those who knew their state's governor dropped to 2 in 3. Almost half know that Rep. Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House and 2 in 3 know that Condi Rice is secretary of state. But just 29% can identify Scooter Libby, 21% know Robert Gates and 15% can name Sen. Harry Reid.
But nearly 9 in 10 knew about President Bush's troop escalation in Iraq.
Men scored higher than women, and older Americans did better than younger, on average. Democrats and Republicans were about equally represented in the most knowledgeable group but there were more Democrats in the least aware group. [End of original article.]
This survey “proves” it is not the party, it is the source. And that the large majority of “stupid/ignorant” American's still get their “news” from FOX, and “patriotically” never read, listen, or watch those un-American-stupid and loopy-liberals.
“Throughout most of America's history, the governing administrations that guided our nation were run by reasonable humans, with a few notable exceptions, (e.g. the infamous robber barons,) until the Regan administration, when the corporatists, the neo-cons, and the Evangelical “Christian's” con-artists were able to merge, and cross-use, each other's agendas and sycophants, to literally do a hostile take-over of our government, to force a completely successful destructive privatization of our government into the hands of a tiny few of the unreasonable, and out of the control of the reasonable majority.”
{-The Way Many Picture Me-}
Even today, after all that has been exposed and proven, way too many of the reasonable majority still can not acceptthe fact that their government is no longer theirs, that their government is now run by unreasonable criminally corrupt uber-war-profiteering corporatists, that are still successfully manipulating, and using, the agendas of both the delusional neo-cons, and the greed-driven ideological insanity of the con-artist leaders of both the Rapture/End-Times and Dominionists Evangelical “Christians,” to further their hold on, and control of, our government - For no more noble reason than to simply increase their already proven destructive uber-profits to themselves. Profits of wealth, as well as the profits of the power of the control of the profits of the wealth.
Oil? Water? Food? Environment? biodiversity? genocide? Extinction of ½ of all animal and plant life by 2100? Global warming's coming, and already happening, destructions? The cares, concerns, worries of the 99.99% of the rest of us on the planet? As unreasonable as it is, the reality today is that way too many people in America, and worldwide, still belive, think, (desperately hope?,) that these unreasonably arrogant corporatists leaders care, or are concerned, or are worried... that we care - When the proven reality is that they do not care, nor are concerned, nor worried... that we care.
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What I fear most, more so day-by-day. . . Is the fact that the human deaths continue to mount, the environmental destruction continues to worsen, the security of freedoms and liberties continue to deteriorate, not only here in America, but also worldwide. . . And yet - Nothing “real” has been accomplished to stop the “allowing” to continue unabated.
“Wake The Fuck Up!” Is as valid a rant now, as it was before 1992, and 2000, and 2003, and 2004. . .
[ A Typical YouTube Video - You Know What To Do ]
[- Olbermann: “Bush Using 9/11 to Destroy OUR Constitution” -]
Sacrifice any life, destroy any environment, and do away with even our Constitutional Democracy, for their very few to have/obtain/get/steal historically unprecedented maximized short-term uber profits. And that they are willing to tell any lie, to do any insanity, even to the point of supporting the continuation of, and/or the worsening of, worldwide terrorism just to simply secure that those short-term uber profits will keep rolling in, no matter what level of damage and/or destruction is done to the rest of us. To them, nothing else matters at all, and I think that American citizens are finally coming to grips with this reality, now all too obvious to more and more of us every day.
by The Old Hippie Because, For The Rest Of Us, Only Stopping Them Matters Now.
If you don't see this reality by now, Then you really haven't been paying attention.
Water scarcity may be the most underappreciated global environmental challenge of our time. In the Middle East, China, India, and the United States, groundwater is being pumped faster than it is being replenished, and rivers such as the Colorado and Yellow River no longer reach the sea year round. Glaciers, the only source of fresh water for billions, are melting worldwide at a much faster pace than predicted, and will be gone completely in many areas in less than 25 to 35 years. The resource wars from this disappearing resource have already begun. My usual links-of-proof follow...
The ugly, and so far denied, reality of the coming die-offs from the “allowed” destruction of multiple levels of the planets environments by the corporatists' efforts for extreme profits, (which are undeniably supported, and protected by the current criminal-uber-profiteering administration,) beyond the point of the “allowed” deaths of humans, animals, and environments, is the reality we are all already facing. The (purposeful?) resource wars have begun. Energy we all know about, but seafood, land-food, water, and the over-all environmental resource wars are all still “unknown” to the great majority of the masses.
This posting is centered on just one of them - The no-longer-abundant seas and oceans. In the coming days I will provided postings on the other areas. I provide my usual links-of-proof, (many new, some from earlier postings,) “Below The Fold.” Please - Read them, absorb the words’ implications, and realities, for not just yours, but everyone's futures - Do anything and everything you can do to stop them - Otherwise, I sincerely believe that it is not hyperbole or bombast to say that “doom & gloom” just won't adequately cover our shared futures.
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The Links of Proof: [ -If you can, please spread these links to others - Thank you- ]
“Even though the mitigation of their destructions has finally begun, the success of their theft of our nation's wealth, and the historically unprecedented transfer of this nation's wealth into the hands of their few, plus the amazingly fast take-over of all of our governmental structures by their corporatist cronies and sycophants, to protect them from us, the masses, will not be punished. Their criminal, but successful, war-profiteering, and all of their political manipulations to protect and extend those profits to their few were “allowed” to go on for too long. The simple reality is they were able, (far too easily,) to restructure “our” constitutional democracy into “their” plutocratic oligarchy.”
{-The Way Many Picture Me-}
As long as the “allowing” is allowed to continue, the mitigation/punishment of their destructions will just be all that much more difficult to accomplish. It is becoming obvious to all that we citizens are in the process of waking up to the realities of their destructions, and the resultant growing anger of the allowing American citizenry is also becoming obvious to anyone paying the least bit of attention. Which, sadly, is way too few so far to even wipe the sneers off their faces. Our current reality? Much of the damage that has been done to the constitution, to the environment, and to the lives of millions of innocents that my fellow American citizens did allow, and to this very hour are still allowing - Is now simply no longer “repairable.” But there is still much that is capable of mitigation and reversal.
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What I fear most, more so day-by-day. . . is the fact that not enough is being done yet to stop this sneeringly open, not to mention criminal, theft and insanity. The human deaths continue to mount, the environmental destruction continues to worsen, the security of freedoms and liberties continue to deteriorate, not only here in America, but also worldwide. . . And yet - Nothing “real” has been accomplished to stop the “allowing” to continue unabated.
“Wake The Fuck Up!” Is as valid a rant now, as it was before 2000, and 2003, and 2004. . .
[ A Typical YouTube Video - You Know What To Do ]
[- Olbermann: “Our Government Is More Dangerous Than Our Enemies” -]