Perspective. . .
by Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman and Michael Moore
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = < B e l o w T h e F o l d > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Nothing else needed at this time - Right?
We are all guilty for the allowed “ALLOWING,” (yes, *all* of us,) that has caused the loss of a once great Democracy known as The United States of America.
Most still deny it, many see it and refuse it, because to accept it would cause too much guilt and pain, so they continue to allow... and belittle, and help the-so-very-few in the marginalization of those of us who see it and yell about it, to protect their delusion of Democracy... There is now very little that can be done to save any semblance of control over the corporations that have been allowed to, and now do in fact, control most aspects of all of our lives.
It is now obvious that without an out-right revolt “by the people, of the people, and for the people,” the corporatists/corporations will only continue to gain even more control. They serve only one single thing. . . Profits. . . Profits of wealth and power. . . Profits to *only* their so-very-few.
And the so-very-few could care less what the detriment is to the rest of the us of the planet.
![]() {-The Way Many Picture Me-} |
As I have often said. . .
The simple complexity of the complex simplicity is beyond most Americans.
The problem with the stupid and ignorant among us, is that while they “proudly and patriotically,” allow their own self-destruction by fighting among themselves, as they were programmed to do... is that they are destroying much more than just their environment, their livelihoods, their lives... They are destroying us all.
Ignorance is curable, stupidity is forever.
Fight the stupid - Educate the ignorant. Or stupidly pay the price.
Oh, wait... We already are.
The following is reprised, because not much has really changed as far as the ongoing denial of the insane “allowing” of the theft by the-very-few is concerned... And I will continue to reprise this... as long as the 'citizens' fodder-units of my nation continue to “allow the allowing.”
It, the insanity, of the “allowing,” is getting worse, in fact it is much worse already.
Go look at all of the MSM’s headlines, at their websites, then compare what you see there with the reality as rationally reported by reality based independent news sites.
If that simple comparison doesn’t open ones closed eyes of denial, nothing will.
To help you remain sane, and not too deeply depressed, you should end your “session of reality” by stopping in at some of the better editorial humorists’ websites - It couldn’t hurt.
That is my main personal method of doing research for this blog - Check in with the right and the right’s insane, then study as much of the reality-based news sites as possible, then check in with the humorists. I then sleep on it, do it again, and then post what I have learned, observed, or was stunned by, to first, share it, and second, to get it off my chest so that I can remain sane myself. All the while, trying my best to keep a reality-based perspective in these historically insane times.
![]() | Liberal Bloggers To Obama And The Dems: We Told You So. (And You Stupidly Ignored Us.) |
- “Mexico: Sex Slaves (Part I)” The U.S.’s penchant for a theocratic, authoritarian regime resembles... - “Avatar Half-Tells A Story We Would All Prefer To Forget” ...what happened to Native Americans is a story no one wants to hear... - “When China Rules the World” China will soon become the most powerful and influential country in the world. | ![]() |
Seriously - What the fuck are you going to do about It?
Fox is simply a propaganda outfit for the corporatists, manipulating, and misinforming the people of America at a level unseen in our Constitutional Democracy's history - Blatantly - Sneeringly.
The the-very-few are on a buying spree, as the majority of Americans are going under - America has gone under before, but not with the robber barons being so openly and sneeringly blatant about their take from their successful theft, and the thieves, the-very-very-few, purposeful, but profitable to them, destruction of “the American Dream.”
Goldman Sacs is giving out over $30-Billion dollars in bonuses to just a few of the-very-few. Can't get more blatant - It is so blatant that even some of the staff are arming themselves in fear of a retaliatory uprising.
Climate... The denial is impossible to deny. The danger inherent in the denial is undeniable also. The ability of the corporatists to openly manipulate the fodder-units into supporting their own self-destruction is also undeniable, and the danger of that manipulated self-destructive denial is beyond blatant - All for the very short-term profits to the-very-very-few among us.
Yet, America continues to “allow” it all, and much more that is destructive to our own needs... But extremely profitable to the-very-very-few among us.
Seriously - What the fuck are you going to do about it?
“Ten years after the publication of No Logo, Naomi Klein switches her attention from the mall
to Barack Obama and discovers that corporate culture has taken over the US government”
![]() {-The Way Many Picture Me-} |
As I have often said. . .
The simple complexity of the complex simplicity is beyond most Americans.
The problem with the stupid and ignorant among us is that while they “proudly and patriotically,” allow their own self-destruction by fighting among themselves as they were programmed to do... is that they are destroying much more than just their environment, their livelihoods, their lives... They are destroying us all.
Ignorance is curable, stupidity is forever.
Fight the stupid - Educate the ignorant. Or stupidly pay the price.
Oh, wait... We already are.
The following is reprised, because not much has really changed as far as the ongoing denial of the insane “allowing” of the theft by the-very-few is concerned... I will continue to reprise this... as long as the 'citizens' of my nation continue to “allow the allowing.”
It, the insanity, of the “allowing,” is getting worse, in fact it is much worse already.
Go look at all of the MSM’s headlines, at their websites, then compare what you see there with the reality as rationally reported by reality based independent news sites.
If that simple comparison doesn’t open ones closed eyes of denial, nothing will.
To help you remain sane, and not too deeply depressed, you should end your “session of reality” by stopping in at some of the better editorial humorists’ websites - It couldn’t hurt.
That is my main personal method of doing research for this blog - Check in with the right and the right’s insane, then study as much of the reality-based news sites as possible, then check in with the humorists. I then sleep on it, do it again, and then post what I have learned, observed, or was stunned by, to first, share it, and second, to get it off my chest so that I can remain sane myself. All the while, trying my best to keep a reality-based perspective in these historically insane times.
amacd January 10th, 2010 1:07 pm
It's encouraging to see Frank Rich, if not the NYT in general, becoming more candid and forthright in 'outing' the back-story --- and bringing it into the light as a public front-story.
Such shining of light and public exposure of the shadowy back-story, the institutionalized deceptions of our government and our media are essential --- and it is essential and necessary for broad understanding (even if less interesting than reading more complete exposures from the likes of Chomsky, Hedges, Chalmers Johnson, Kolko, Korten, Bacevich, etc) that a broader spectrum of the American public be informed of the empire in the back-story coming forward.
The Sunday Breakfast Menu for the discerning diner of this Sunday’s ‘shows’ was the back-story quickly coming forward in public to become the front-story.
The escalating back-story of the Obama presidency (and of all presidencies since JFK), of course, is the hidden reality of the ‘national security state’, the ‘shadow government’, the “Secret Team” (as Fletcher Prouty calls it), or the ruling-elite Global corporate/financial/militarist Empire behind this two-party ‘Vichy’ façade of a democratic America (as I call it).
This back-story was coming to the foreground in spades on all the Sunday shows today for several reasons:
1. The ‘national security state’ non-uniformed CIA (as well as its senior uniformed military actors) has been putting Obama in a box, or “putting him in a fix” (as LeMay said of JFK during the Cuban Missile Crisis) since he took office, and this ‘shot across his bow’ has already caused Obama to ‘put a shot across their bow’ --- which he did during his Nobel acceptance speech by quoting JFK’s very public articulation and attack on this hidden empire, with his own American University commencement address on June 22, 1963 (just five months before his assassination).
2. The media enabled deception of an ‘imperial presidency’ harking back to FDR, JFK, and continuing to Reagan and Clinton --- in which a supposedly strong and undisputed ‘civilian leader’ moves the country progressively forward, with hope and change, toward a ‘new dawn’ or other imagined progress for average citizens --- has now so obviously collapsed as a front-story that the American people are left confused, and are suspicious about some rational back-story existing that would better explain the reality that they see every day in both foreign and domestic policy failures.
3. The complicit media’s difficulty and unwillingness in resolving this increasingly obvious incongruity between the apparent public power of the presidency (and Congress) and their actual powerlessness to steer the ship of state has been increasingly addressed by a growing number of elite moderate academics like Andrew Bacevich and the NYT’s former Christopher Hedges (rather than only those viewed as radical leftists like Chomsky and Chalmers Johnson). Therefore the back-story of powerful ‘national security state’ and economic forces is coming into the public discourse broadly enough to potentially discredit the MSM silence (if not complicity) regarding such shadowy empire.
4. Both the ineffective, militarist, foreign policy sphere, and the inequality of the domestic economic policy sphere of this ‘hopeful’ civilian government that the citizens have voted heavily in favor of for two election cycles, makes it doubly credible and believable to all average citizens (right and left) that there is a broad disconnect between their voting preferences and the reality of the political direction of what they still think of as ‘their country’. Thus any truly public airing of debate, discussion, and discourse about what is in the way and blocking actual achievement of progress will accrue an advantage to Obama and to portions of the media which help expose and resolve the hidden back-story. (ie. it will make exciting journalism which might redeem the MSM).
For all of these reasons both Obama and some principled media are advantaged and well served by a public and open airing of the shadowy back-story, and by a confrontation that takes place out in the open --- out in the light. Such an open discussion, education, and ultimate confrontation about the collapsing back-story is, of course, precisely antithetical to the interests of those forces in the background, in a shadow government, in a ‘national security state’, and in an unaccountable ruling-elite corporate/financial/militarist Empire which might easily be shown to be frustrating the desires of the American public’s common good both domestically and abroad --- both in real security terms and in fair economic terms.
Specifically, ABC’s “This Week” highlighted JFK’s public and open comments about civilian / presidential control of all overt and covert military actions of the United States being constitutionally his responsibility, while several forum participants comparatively noted that it is essential to understand whether Obama is actually in charge of the national security apparatus, and Dr. Christina Romer noted that the financial empire in the U.S. seemed not to be responding to any public pressure --- even from the highest level of our civilian government (President Obama).
On FOX News Sunday, Senator Kyl actually said in discussing the Christmas airline bomb attempt that he was “thankful for the wake-up call” ---- a comment that will certainly further fan the flames of justifiable public suspicious that many of BOTH the security and economic ‘shock effects’ seem to be more likely to have been contrived by some large, extremely well funded, and shadowy hidden forces within a global empire than by a small, weak, disconnected, and poorly funded network of terrorists which is claimed to be able to wreck massive, world-wide, sophisticated, and coordinated strikes anywhere in the world --- despite having resources less than one billionth the level of either Wall Street or the US military in proudly proclaiming (and actually demonstrating) their respective spheres of delivering economic and military ‘shock and awe’ on such a world-wide basis.
Yes, I’m becoming more optimistic that Obama may well bring this discussion out in the open --- which is the only venue in which an aligned corporate/financial/militarist Empire would fear a confrontation.
Alan MacDonald
Sanford, Maine
Now - Do a truly radical thing for an American to do. . . Think.
Fox “News,” the corporate take-over of the nation by the very-very-few corporatist thieves, the ever so profitable wars, the destruction of our, (in-the-way-of-profits and control,) liberties, not by foreign enemies, but by the oh-so-very-few, sneering, corporatist citizens within our own nation...
Also, keep using, and throwing away, as much plastic as possible, don’t ever waste your beautiful minds thinking about recycling, or any other thing that worries those un-American environmental ‘terrorists’ weirdos, consume as much fast food as you can, spend what’s left of your income on things you know you don’t need, to support the ever-so-very-few-profiting, sneering, corporatists of our nation, and whatever you do. . . Never. Stop. Allowing...
And by all means, be good Christian patriots, and fight any and all political efforts to improve our lives, by fighting regulation, by fighting to stop unions, by fighting any reforms they tell you to fight, even if it’s been proven to be scientific fact, that may in any way interfere with their massive and destructive profits, of wealth and control, and the diminishing of your power to control their abuses of your lives, through the profitable, needless, wars... through the environmental destruction that is incredibly profitable-to-the-so-very-few... through economic control of the media... and the very congressional halls of “our” government.
Just keep allowing... and allowing... and allowing... and allowing... and allowing... Without any real protests, without a real revolt, without any sign of courage, or fortitude, to stop the apathetic, destructive, ongoing, denied, ignored. . . Allowing.
Keep consuming - Keep buying - Keep quiet - Keep allowing your own destruction, for nothing more than the simple profits to the so-very-very-few-among us, who sneer at your fears, apathy, ignorance, denial. . . Allowing.
The rest of the planet does not fear our power, as much as they fear our self-destructive, insane, and undeniable. . . Allowing.
A federal judge has dropped all the charges against Blackwater's (now Xe) guards, because the prosecutors broke the law, even after being warned not to do so, by senior Justice Department lawyers. So the corporate “Christian Warriors” get off scot-free on a technicality.
No one has been punished, much less even investigated, for purposefully starting the Iraq war on lies, for the soul purpose of short-term profits of the so-very-few of the extraction corporations, which, so far, has caused the deaths, murders, and rapes of hundreds of thousands of innocents, a very large number of which were only children. Thousands of children. Not even investigated.
Fox “news” is still allowed to spew hate and lies, and with the help of Comcast making it the only “news” channel in their Basic (cheapest) lineup, Fox falsely remains the most “popular” of the cable news program channels.
Wall Street and the bankers... What can one say? The thieves won. They took over a trillion dollars of taxpayers’ money, which they do not pay into, and raised their corporate officers bonus’ into the hundreds of billions. While the rest of America, that allowed their successful theft, lose their homes, their jobs, see their environment only worsen, see their kids not being able to afford college and forced into the corporations’ military to fight, and for many, to die, for their profits, not for our freedoms and liberties, and watch their healthcare costs only rise... Etc... Etc... Etc...
And yet - This America keeps “allowing” -
Dwight Eisenhower was the last president not wholly owned by the corporations, and he tried to warn us... But we, again, ignored the warning.
We are just now beginning to reap the effects of that ignoring. It is going to get much worse. It is not the same as it always was... It is not politics as usual... It is not a temporary economic downswing...
Global warming, whether man-made or not, is real and deadly... Global dimming, definitely man-made, is also real and just as deadly, and associated with global warming... And every single “prediction” has proven to be slower than the reality.
We are still in two needless wars, one criminally. “Our” governmental representatives just gave the health corps an incredible financial gift. The other thieves, bankers, et al, are still taking even more money from the taxpayers with un-suppressed sneers of knowing theft.
Why, in all that is sane, are we Americans still “allowing” the greed of the-very-few, the thieves, to win... at our, and the planet’s, costs?!?
Is it because you truly believe it is too late?
Or is it because you actually believe you are a part of them, the-very-few, the thieves?
If you answered “No.” to both of those questions - Then. . . Why continue to allow?!?