Friday, July 31, 2009


Ahh...  Reality...  Obviously Is Something You Know Little About.
Because Reality, As Defined By The Thieves, Is Your Reality Now.

Banks Paid $32.6 Billion In Bonuses Amid US Bailout
The Perpetual Republican War On Medicare
Chalmers Johnson, Dismantling The Empire
Health Care Tyranny By 13 Obstructionists
Beer Is Nice But Equal Protection’s Better
How You Finance Goldman Sachs’ Profits
A Bigger Problem Than The Taliban?

by Rex Babin

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Nothing else at this time, the above links should keep you busy for awhile - Right?

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Reality. . .

Ah Reality...  Denial Of It Is Dangerous, And Ignoring It Is Worse.
Because The Allowing Has Not Been Allowed to be Stopped - Yet.

Reality Check On Shona Holmes’ “Brain Tumour” - It’s A Cyst.
It Was 8% During The Depression.  Now?  It’s Nearing 10%. . .
But Flush With Taxpayer Trillions, Bankers call It A Recovery.
World Will Warm Faster Than Predicted In Next Five Years.
Guess Who’s Controlling Our Food Supply.
And That’s Not the Way It Is.
Déjà Vu All Over Again.

by Jim Morin

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by Dwane Powell

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Says It All. . .

Jon Nails Lou, And The “Birthers.”
by Jon Stewart, and the good people at The Daily Show.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
The Born Identity
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJoke of the Day

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Of course, since the morons of our nation do not bother to believe anyone but Fox, or their
con-artist mega-church preachers, or their sociopathic propagandist collaborating profiteers,
i.e. Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Coulter, Dobbs, et al... they will never watch or see this.  They
will continue to allow their own (manipulated) self-destruction, claiming anyone who disagrees with them, by being so rude as to smack them in the face with the documented proof of their ignorance. . . is a stupid far-left elitist.

The problem with the morons proudly, patriotically, allowing of their own self-destruction, is
that it is destroying much more than just their environment, their livelihoods, their lives...

It is destroying us all.  Ignorance is curable, stupidity is forever.

Fight the stupid - Educate the ignorant.  Or stupidly pay the price.

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Saturday, July 25, 2009


It Continues To be Allowed To Get Worse Yet, And Still, You Allow...
by The Old Hippie Because Seeing Truth Didn’t Help, Nor The Resultant Pain Of The Truth.

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

What can anyone say?  After all that we Americans have “allowed” since 1886, when a court reporter’s headnotes, not the court's decision, in the Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad Supreme Court case gave “personhood” status to corporations.  Which has, over the years, been expanded, again and again, until now corporations hold the status of an actual “citizen.”  It, and it alone, has allowed the slow corporate take-over of the government of this nation, and with its growing “power to influence”... even the very mindset, of our citizens, has been transformed from “the common good” into “get what I can get for me and mind, and fuck everyone else.”  Profit, over any other consideration, even life itself, whether it be money, power, ideology, or a combination of all three, is the only winning way to think, otherwise you are a loser. A far-left radical, below contempt.

It also has allowed the creation of the military-industrial-congressional-complex.  It also allowed the “flag follows corporations,” rather than the “business follows flag,” in our nation’s foreign affairs, as Gen. Butler emphasized in 1934 in his revealing of the “Business Plot” by the wealthy industrialists of that time.  It allowed the creation the military-intelligence community that reached such a point of paranoia and corporate profits over common good, that this nation’s citizens allowed them to be able to murder a president, and get away with it, because that president, his brother, and Rev. King were close to turning the mindset to the nation’s common good, and away from flag-follows-corporations in all of our foreign affairs.  It allowed, beginning with the illegal selection of G. W. Bush by a corrupt Supreme Court in 2000, three straight corrupt national elections, without real protests or revolt.  It allowed the slow take-over of this nation’s diversified mass media to finally allow just a handful of corporations, with very strong ties to the military-industrial-complex, and other corporations, through their boards of directors, to the point that now, these very-few corporations have almost total control of the flow of information to the masses.

It allowed, that one moment in 1886 when a court reporter’s headnotes took precedence in law over the court’s own decision in the case, the corporatists, during the eight years of the Bush administration, to completely infiltrate, and take-over all of this nation’s federal regulatory agencies, and to completely deregulate all citizen’s protections from any and all abuses by the corporations in their fervor to get profits, even over life itself.  It allowed them to start illegal wars, it allowed them to redefine torture as something legal, it allowed them to destroy the environment with impunity...  All of it. . .  In our collective names, because we continue to allow...

And finally it allowed them to complete the largest wealth transfer of a nation’s wealth in written history, now passing 4.7 trillion dollars, and growing, (now predicted to help the 1-percenter's profits to reach 23 trillion dollars,) without the citizens doing much more than yawning, no real protests, no real in-the-streets anger, and no citizen’s revolt...  quite simply... they were allowed to get away with all, are still being allowed to get away with it all, by the citizens of this nation.  Still.  Being.  Allowed. . .  By you.

“Have a nice day.  :-)”

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The following is reprised, because not much has really changed as far as the ongoing denial of the insane “allowing” of the theft by the-very-few is concerned...  I will continue to reprise this... as long as the 'citizens' of my nation continue to “allow the allowing.”

It, the insanity, of the “allowing,” is getting worse, in fact it is much worse already.

Go look at all of the MSM’s headlines, at their websites, then compare what you see there with the reality as rationally reported by reality based independent news sites.

If that simple comparison doesn’t open ones closed eyes of denial, nothing will.

To help you remain sane, and not too deeply depressed, you should end your “session of reality” by stopping in at some of the better editorial humorists’ websites - It couldn’t hurt.

That is my main personal method of doing research for this blog - Check in with the right and the right’s insane, then study as much of the reality-based news sites as possible, then check in with the humorists.  I then sleep on it, do it again, and then post what I have learned, observed, or was stunned by, to first, share it, and second, to get it off my chest so that I can remain sane myself.  All the while, trying my best to keep a reality-based perspective in these historically insane times.

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Even More Reality. . .

Why Does My Nation Keep Proving The Thieves Correct About Us...?
by The Old Hippie Because So Many, Way Too Many, Are Still, Insanely, “Allowing”...

  -  “Big Media Interlocks With Corporate America”
      How can you “know,” without following the evidence?

  -  They Rule
      A unique, and excellent, interactive "Boards of Directors" mapping site, do try
      to spend a lot of quality time there, and you will learn.  Really.

  -  “Intelligent Design’s Latest Sneaky Assault On Science”
      The ‘comments’ to this article are an education within themselves - Enjoy.

by Jim Morin

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A“Below The Fold” Bonus (Video) Article -

Torturing Democracy
by Bill Moyers, aired May 29, 2009 on PBS

The documentary TORTURING DEMOCRACY tells the story of how the United States government circumvented tradition and law to adopt torture as official policy.  The film, produced by award-winning filmmaker Sherry Jones, draws on interviews, archival footage, and recently declassified documents to piece together the development and dissemination of torture tactics from Bagram in Afghanistan to Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib -- and the document trail leads right to the top of the chain of command.

[ Above title is the direct link to the full video of the documentary. ]

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You Keep Doing Nothing. . .

The Thieves Can't Even Restrain Their Hubristic Sneers Anymore.
Because The Corporatists, And Bankers, (The Thieves,) Know You’ll Continue To Do Nothing.

  -  Bailout Overseer Says Banks Misused TARP Funds
      Many of the banks that got federal aid to support increased lending
      have instead used some of the money to make investments, repay
      debts or buy other banks, [and to party.  Remember?]

  -  Judicial Apartheid
      ...wittingly or unwittingly, the Supreme Court has aided and abetted
      the key linchpin of a wealth transfer [the very-few’s theft] system.

  -  In Second Life, From Predatory Lenders To Scam Artists
      “Special place in hell reserved for them...”
 Your Right

by Mike lane

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A“Below The Fold” bonus - “Your Moment of Zen” video of the Week...

Watch and Enjoy. . .
Buzz Aldrin Punches Moon Landing Conspiracy Theorist In The Face.
[approximately 2:20 into it.]

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Reality. . .

Ah Reality...  Denial Of It Is Dangerous, And Ignoring It Is Worse.
Because The Allowing Has Not Been Allowed to be Stopped - Yet.

Insurance Exec Now Whistleblower Wendell Potter Speaks Out
Main Stream Media Finally Interviews Whistleblower Potter
The Bank Lobby's Insane Assault On Consumer Protection
Gang Of Sickos: Six US Senators Sell Out Constituents
‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ To Be Released Oct. 2
Jobless Rate Tops 10 Percent In 15 States, DC
“Dismantling The Temple”

by Bill Day

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Albert Einstein commented on Sept 3, 1942, to Frank Kingdon
(Einstein Archive 55-469):

“[Washington, D.C.] is a government to a large degree controlled by financiers, the mentality of whom is near to the facist frame of mind.  If Hitler were not such a lunatic, he could easily have avoided hostilities with the Western powers.”

From the book “The New Quotable Einstein” Ed. Alice Calaprice.

Nothing else - The above should keep you busy for awhile - Hopefully.

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Friday, July 17, 2009


Ahh...  Reality...  Obviously Is Something You Know Little About.
Because Reality, As Defined By The Thieves, Is Your Reality Now.

Goldman Sachs Is A Problem And The Symptom Of A Worse Problem
We Don’t Care.  We Don’t Have To Care.  We’re Goldman Sachs.
Goldman Pays [bribes?] to End State Inquiry Into Loans
A Wall Street Windfall Profits Tax:  Now Or Never?
The Real Price Of Goldman’s Giganto-Profits
Pelosi’s Toothless ‘Commission’
The Joy of Sachs

Shattering the Right vs. Left Prism Once Again:
[Even] The Wall Street Journal Goes After Goldman and the Bank Bailout

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A “Below The Fold” Bonus “Worth Your Time” Political Cartoon...

Rob Rogers

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Your Moment Of Zen. . .

For Obvious Political Reasons...

Link to original, the good folks at Crooks And Liars.

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Do visit the linked Crooks And Liars site - The “Comments” are very interesting.

My favorite being. . .

It's not just Republicans.
Wed, 07/15/2009 - 17:47 — Stupid Git

Democrats are selling us out to private insurance as well. Bernie is an Independent.

The reality is our only chance in this country is to boot out the Democrats and Republicans who only support lobbyists and get more Bernies, McKinneys and the likes who try to help Americans regardless of how much they contribute to re-election campaigns.

[It’s my favorite, because of it’s follow-up comments.]

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009


It Continues To be Allowed To Get Worse Yet, And Still, You Allow...
by The Old Hippie Because Seeing Truth Didn’t Help, Nor The Resultant Pain Of The Truth.

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

How much more insane it gets before it finally explodes is anyone’s guess.  I never thought it could get this far without revolt, or least massive in-the-streets demonstrations, but it has.  No wonder the corporatists’, the-very-few, the thieves, can’t seem to restrain their sneers any more.

The American masses continue to allow the wealth, (what is left of it now,) to be transferred, even though all records of national wealth theft has been broken.  Destruction of the environment for profits to very few continues unabated, with the national response being basically... “y-a-w-n.”  The deficit, for the first time in our history, is crossing one trillion dollars, and now is projected to double... by October, and my fellow citizens’ collective response is... non-existent.

by Pat Bagley

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The following is reprised, because not much has really changed as far as the ongoing denial of the insane “allowing” of the theft by the-very-few is concerned...  I will continue to reprise this... as long as the 'citizens' of my nation continue to “allow the allowing.”

It, the insanity, of the “allowing,” is getting worse, in fact it is much worse already.

Go look at all of the MSM’s headlines, at their websites, then compare what you see there with the reality as rationally reported by reality based independent news sites.

If that simple comparison doesn’t open ones closed eyes of denial, nothing will.

To help you remain sane, and not too deeply depressed, you should end your “session of reality” by stopping in at some of the better editorial humorists’ websites - It couldn’t hurt.

That is my main personal method of doing research for this blog - Check in with the right and the right’s insane, then study as much of the reality-based news sites as possible, then check in with the humorists.  I then sleep on it, do it again, and then post what I have learned, observed, or was stunned by, to first, share it, and second, to get it off my chest so that I can remain sane myself.  All the while, trying my best to keep a reality-based perspective in these historically insane times.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

You Keep Doing Nothing. . .

The Thieves Can't Even Restrain Their Hubristic Sneers Anymore.
Because The Corporatists, And Bankers, (The Thieves,) Know You’ll Continue To Do Nothing.

  -  A.I.G. Bonuses
      They took the bailout money (your taxes/money) and proceeded to
      pay themselves insane bonuses, for screwing you... and then they
      went out and partied on your money, and you’re giving them more.

  -  Goldman Sachs Execs Dumped Stock Like Crazy
      Goldman Sachs is expected to announce a windfall quarter, thanks
      no doubt to billions in bailout money... (your taxes/money.)

  -  U.S. Budget Deficit Climbs to Over $1 Trillion
      And even this record amount is expect to double... by October.
 Your Right

by Jim Morin

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A“Below The Fold” bonus Comment of the Week...

It’s from this article at  “Game on for Christian Protest”

[by] eileenfleming July 13th, 2009 7:55 pm

The problem is NOT Christianity!

The problem is that too few who claim to be Christian, have actually done what Jesus taught and modeled with his NONVIOLENT life.

"The Crusade for a Christian Military: Jesus Killed Mohammed" by Jeff Sharlet in HARPER'S May 2009 edition is a chilling clarion call regarding the entrenchment of Christian fundamentalism in the USA military beginning during the Cold War that accelerated during the Vietnam era which has wrecked havoc on the very soul of our nation.

Fundamentalist [referred to as evangelical by Sharlet] Chaplains began to join the military in droves as they aligned themselves with the Industrial Military Complex in opposition with Catholics and mainline moderate Protestant denominations such as Methodists, Presbyterians, and Episcopalians who were of one voice speaking out against American terrorism in Vietnam and for following in the ways of the nonviolent Jesus.

“Starting in 1987, Protestant denominations were lumped together simply as “Protestant”; moreover, the Pentagon began accrediting hundreds of evangelical and Pentecostal “endorsing agencies,” allowing graduates of fundamentalist Bible colleges—which often train clergy to view those from other faiths as enemies of Christ—to fill up nearly the entire allotment for Protestant chaplains.  Today, more than two thirds of the military’s 2,900 active-duty chaplains are affiliated with evangelical or Pentecostal denominations." [1]

"For decades, the military built a sense of solidarity out of a singular purpose, the Cold War struggle between free markets and state-planned economies—the shining city on a hill versus the evil empire…meshed neatly with ideologies [that connected] nationalism and fundamentalism…Communism…the dark alternative should we fail to unite.  Fundamentalism thrived…a neat, black-and-white [theology and] a foreign policy.  The end of the Cold War deprived militant evangelicals of that clarity [and] the emergence of “radical Islam” [became] the object of a new Cold War." [Ibid]

The roots of American evangelism sprang from the original altar call for Christians to stand up against slavery. What has been passing for Christianity in our military today is the antithesis of what Jesus was all about.

"Everyone but Christians understands that Jesus was nonviolent."-Gandhi

Clement, Tertillian, Polycarp and every other early Church Father taught that violence was a contradiction of what Christ was about.  The first and greatest heresy in the Christian faith occurred in the third century when Augustine penned the "Just War Theory" for church and state united and "our problems stem from our acceptance of this filthy, rotten system."-Dorothy Day

One of the greatest Christian spiritual leaders of all time, Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk that listened to Bob Dylan LP's in his hermitage in Kentucky during the '60's was the first religious voice to rise up and speak out against the Vietnam War.

Merton also said, "The duty of the Christian at this time is to do the one task God has imposed upon us in this world today. The task is to work for the total abolition of war.  There can be no question that unless war is abolished; the world will remain constantly in a state of madness…The church [meaning all Christians] must lead the way on the road to the abolition of war…Peace is to be preached and nonviolence is to be explained and practiced."

The deep spiritual darkness of Christian fundamentalism in the USA Air Force Academy in Colorado enabled the likes of Walid Shoebat, author of "Why We Want to Kill You" to speak to the troops in his role as a former fundamentalist Islamic supposed terrorist who is now a converted fundamentalist Christian.

Shoebat is one of the infamous darlings of fear filled Christians and Jews [Read More: "The Walid Shoebat Show and 'America is Beautiful, but she has an ugly side.'" - eileen fleming ]of the cult spewed by the likes of John Hagee and the idiot wind blown by FOX's Hannity & Colmes, Bill O'Reilly and Neil Cavuto who have all hosted Shoebat as did the US Air Force Academy on Feb. 6, 2008 when he was the headline act at their annual political forum.

The rest:
June 27, 2009: The problem is NOT Christianity!

Eileen Fleming, A Feature Correspondent for The Palestine Telegraph and Arabisto
Founder of
Author of "Keep Hope Alive" and "Memoirs of a Nice Irish American 'Girl's' Life in Occupied Territory"
Producer "30 Minutes with Vanunu" and "13 Minutes with Vanunu"

And a 2nd comment I found equally informed...

[by] rebelnow July 13th, 2009 7:02 pm

Why does it seem that this protest being labeled a "Christian " protest gives it more legitimacy in the press, and even with some of those commenting here. If these guys were "Pagan" protesters, protesting in the name of the Earth Goddess, they'd probably be looked at as kooks. Or if it was the Bakunin Four, "Anarchists for Peace", they'd be seen as a greater threat and suspect.

Peace loving Christians protesting war mongering Christians. Anti-abortion terrorist Christians threatening and killing Christian abortion doctors. Christian bankers stealing from Christian clients and on and on. The whole Christian thing is meaningless.

But as a non-Christian, non-atheist, non-Jew, non-agnostic, non-Islamic, non-Pagan, non-Hindu, non-Buddhist, non-Jain, non-Sikh, non-Baha'ist, non-nothing;

I support what these guys are doing.

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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Your Moment Of Zen. . .

- Not To Mention The Reality You Continue To “Allow” -
by The Old Hippie Because I Still See No End To The “Allowing.”

Texas Gov. Perry picks an outspoken Creationist to run the state’s education board.

47% of American adults don’t know how long it takes the Earth to orbit the sun.  -47%-

41% of American adults believe dinosaurs and people coexisted.  -41%-

We are a nation filled with too many dangerously and arrogantly ignorant people.

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And yet. . .  You continue to “allow.”

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Reality. . .

Ah Reality...  Denial Of It Is Dangerous, And Ignoring It Is Worse.
Because The Continuation Of The Allowing Should Be Stopped.

NASA’s James Hansen Recycles Myths in His Pointless Attack
Paying Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain  [video link here ]
Wingnut Propaganda Doc Gets Schooled By Dennis Kucinich
Some Choice Words for the ‘Select Few’  [Moyers and Winship]
Confirmed:  Eric Holder Considers A Torture Prosecutor
So This Is What Victory Looks Like?  [Scott Ritter]
Two Standards Of Detention

by Jim Morin

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Nothing else - The above should keep you busy for awhile - Hopefully.

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Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Says It All...

Some Can Nail It With “Jest”, Some Just Nail It.
by Tom Tomorrow, et al...

by Tom Tomorrow

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by Daryl Cagle

by Adam Zyglis

Author is unknow to me

by Jim Morin

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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Because We Are Idiots.

15 Square Meters Of Rainforest Disappears Every Minute...
by The Old Hippie Because I Still See No End To The “Allowing.”

Let's see...  That's. . .

900 m2 (1,076.4 yd2) per hour...
        21,600 m
2 (25,833.4 yd2) per day...
              151,200 m
2 (180,834 yd2) per week...
                        7,862,400 m
2 (9,403,352 yd2) per year.

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And yet. . .  You continue to “allow.”

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Sunday, July 05, 2009

Not A Lot To Say Anymore.

They Got Away With It - After All - Because You Allowed Them To.
by The Old Hippie Because You Are Still Allowing Them To Continue To get Away with it all.

I see no end of the "Allowing."  Not much more one can say - Right?

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If something major changes, then I may write more, but until then. . .

Good-Bye.  It has been... truly. . . surreal.

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Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Let’s See Where We Are, Now That The Proofs Of The Truths Are Out.
by The Old Hippie Because Since Seeing Truth Didn’t Help, Maybe seeing Their Proofs Will?

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

[Proof of the Truth #1]  Let’s start with torture, now proven that “our” official policy did kill at least 100, maybe more as proofs continue to come in, human beings, some of which were innocent of any crimes, except being in the wrong place at the wrong time.  But if any where guilty of crimes, the policy of torture, until death, is not just un-American, and blatantly insane, as official policy, it is also criminal.

[Proof of the Truth #2]  Then there is Fox News, now also proven to be openly, consistently, insanely promoting, and force feeding, the insane right of this nation a patently dangerous, and (again,) insane mind-set.  There are no words strong enough that can define the level of the danger of the continued allowing this kind of mass perversion of reality.

[Proof of the Truth #3]  The Banks Own The US Government, “banks” in this case being used as euphemism for the-very-few, the corporatists, the profiteers-over-even-life ilk, etc...

And of course there is the Obama Administration, begun with such hope...  now frustratingly and subtly, (sometimes not so subtly,) squashing that national majority hope... to ‘almost’ the breaking point.  When it does finally break, it is going to be very ugly, very dangerous, and even then it may turn out to be too-little-too-late, (like the just passed climate bill.)

Redundant, I know...  But reality is reality, even if it sucks.

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The following is reprised, because not much has really changed as far as the ongoing denial of the insane “allowing” of the theft by the-very-few is concerned...  I will continue to reprise this... as long as the 'citizens' of my nation continue to “allow the allowing.”

It, the insanity, of the “allowing,” is getting worse, in fact it is much worse already.

Go look at all of the MSM’s headlines, at their websites, then compare what you see there with the reality as rationally reported by reality based independent news sites.

If that simple comparison doesn’t open ones closed eyes of denial, nothing will.

To help you remain sane, and not too deeply depressed, you should end your “session of reality” by stopping in at some of the better editorial humorists’ websites - It couldn’t hurt.

That is my main personal method of doing research for this blog - Check in with the right and the right’s insane, then study as much of the reality-based news sites as possible, then check in with the humorists.  I then sleep on it, do it again, and then post what I have learned, observed, or was stunned by, to first, share it, and second, to get it off my chest so that I can remain sane myself.  All the while, trying my best to keep a reality-based perspective in these historically insane times.

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