Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I Wish I could Be Excited...

But...  I've Watched “Our” Reps Cave-In, Time After Time, After Time...
by The Old Hippie Because Your Continued “Allowing” Smacks Down My Optimism.

“The vote on the GOP cloture motion -- to ignore all the amendments and proceed to a final vote on the Bush-Rockefeller SIC bill -- has just occurred.  The motion has failed, which means (shockingly) that Democrats have successfully mounted a filibuster preventing the vote on this horrible bill from occurring.” -- Glenn Greenwald

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

...this is an extremely mild victory, to put that generously.

It is also the only time “our” opposing party's representatives, elected in 2006, have not actually, in the end, caved-in to the demands of the corporatists ruining running what is left of our once great Constitutional Democracy.

“Today's FISA vote” ← direct link to Mr. Greenwald's original posting, including all 4 of his latest updates...

Enjoy a bit, even if small, victory.  But keep in mind, these “Democrats” voted against us, (i.e. for the corporatists;)  Ben Nelson (Neb.), Blanche Lincoln, and Mark Pryor.  Remember them when their elections come around again.

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Seriously - Get pissed off - At least - Enough - Do something...  Anything...
That will help you, to help America, stop its purposely manipulated self-destruction.

If you haven’t done it so far, go watch...  → “Zeitgeist - The Movie”  ←  now.

If you doubt anything in the movie’s presentation -{you aren’t stupid}- Research it, look it up.

Obviously, since you are reading this on the internet, you have access to any search engine to do the research necessary to disprove, or to verify, anything yourself.  Please - Do it.  Now.

And if you still aren’t convinced → Go Here. ←

Otherwise - Please don’t bother me, as I simply don’t respond to trolls, and I do openly censor any sycophantic diatribe, and those that feed it by responding to it.

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Brought To My Attention...

An Article I Missed, Brought To My Attention, That Is Important...
by Tengrain at Mock, Paper, Sissors, Jan. 26, 2008
    →  “Stimulation II: Tax Cut Boogaloo!”  ←

Above is the direct link to the 9-panel cartoon that, as the commenter Darkblack noted. . .  “More truth in 9 panels than a week of CNN.”

More comments... “Brutal and flawlessly ad hoc.  Very well done!” - “Oh how I wish more eyes could be exposed to this.  *sigh*” - “If this weren’t so true, it would be funny.  Damn.”   [Well worth one's time.]

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A “Below The Fold” Bonus article link, related to main link above, to...
(“Reprised” because it is important, and in case you missed it the 1st time around.)

→  “The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush”  ←

by Joseph E. Stiglitz at Vanity Fair, December 2007

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy.  A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's Barack Obama. . .

Beat Hillary Clinton 2:1, and Beat John Edwards 3:1, In South Carolina.
by the voters of South Carolina...

A Few of Interesting Stats Though...

61% of the Democrat voters were women.

(39% men)

60% of the Democrat voters were 30 to 59 years old.

(14% 18-29) (26% 30-44) (34% 45-59) (26% 60+)
Source of stats → http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/primaries/results/state/#SC

Also, Barack Obama got more votes than McCain and Huckabee... combined!

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Watch Obama's victory speech here → Obama's Victory Speech

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Another Reality Check. . .

Some Can See Your Reality - Here Are But A Few. . .
by The Old Hippie Because You Keep Allowing The “Impossible” To Get Even Worse

  - “Would You Like Mercury With Your Sushi?” - Point-by-point breakdown
      of the propaganda in the “Center for Consumer Freedom” article, by...
      Sharon Begley at the Lab Notes section of Newsweek.

  - “The War Card” - In case you still aren't convinced.

  - “Bloody Reality and the Delusions of Bush” - Twixt silken sheets...

  - “Disgraced Warmonger Wolfowitz to Chair US Panel on Arms Control” - Paul “Spit On My
      Comb” Wolfowitz has a brand new job!  How wise, hiring WolfaHalfWitz...

  - “A Republic, If We Can Keep It.” - Ben Franklin was right:  we have a Republic if we can
      keep it.  And we may be on the verge of losing it.  Don’t bet your freedom and our republic
      on the comforting assumption that election 2008 will save the Democracy.

  - “Neocons Shaken, But Not Deterred” - ...the neocons, despite the fiasco in Iraq, are already
      trying to detach themselves from both Bush and the Mesopotamian adventure they so avidly
      championed and entrench themselves ever more deeply into institutional Washington.

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- Quotes of the Week from The Crisis Papers site. -

“Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other.”

James Madison

“My faith in the Constitution is whole, it is complete, it is total.  I am not going to sit here and be an idle spectator to the diminution, the subversion, the destruction of the Constitution.”

Barbara Jordan,
at the Nixon Impeachment hearing,
July 25,1974

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,
It's just a goddamned piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

Not only did you “allow” him to say it...  you then “allowed” him to get away with it. . .
and you then...  (to add even further injury to his insult...)  “allowed” him to prove it.

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Reality Observed. . .

Some Have The Ability To See The Actual Reality - Here Are But A Few...
by The Old Hippie Because it is Getting Worse by the Hour, and You Still Don't Impeach.

  -  “US Military Breaks Ranks, Part 1”
      Why isn't this reported in our media?

  -  “Zeitgeist - The Movie”
      Not seen it yet?  → It is the best “Reality Check” found so far ←  

  -  The “Middle Class Job Protection Act”
      It slashes the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25%.  WTF?!?

  -  “Lou Dobbs: E-Machines Threatening Democracy”
      “Our” MSM is finally reporting it?  The reality-based blogosphere,
      has been screaming about it... since the 2000 selection election!
 Your Right

Bush Actually Did Say It...  (And You Pretty Much “Allowed” Him To Prove It.)

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.

It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

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A“Below The Fold” bonus - Two related articles...

The 1st from those-two-guys at “The Crisis Papers” website. . .

The Great American Election Charade.

“The United States is one of the few two-party nations in which one party gets to choose both its own candidate, and also the candidate of the “opposing” party.  Well, OK, I exaggerate.  But it’s not much of a stretch to say that the GOP, with the help of its wholly-owned subsidiary, the mainstream media, has routinely exercised veto power over the Democratic Party’s potentially strong opponents: - - -”

And the 2nd for those that still haven’t bothered to link to it. . .

“Board to Death”

Have you already forgotten that 118 members of the boards of directors of the, (now just,) 6 corporations that control “our” mainstream media, are also members of the boards of the military industrial complex corporations, the extractive energy corporations, the HMO/pharmaceutical corporations, the ag-chem corporations, et al...?!?  As was reported by Project Censored just this past year...

Here’s a reminder...  “...researchers at California’s Sonoma State University took a close look at the resumes of the 118 people who sit on the boards of directors of America’s ten largest media organizations.  The research team is part of the Project Censored, which for nearly three decades has been exposing journalistic self-censorship — “the news that didn’t make the News.”  They determined that the group of 118 board members in turn sit on the boards of 288 other major corporations.  They also discovered that eight out of the ten media behemoths share common memberships in each other’s boardrooms.”

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)

Just A Quote. . .

Quote: A Few Simple Words that Explain the Gist of a Complex Concept.

If God is willing, but not able to prevent evil in the world, then he is not omnipotent.
If God is able, but not willing to prevent evil in the world, then he is malevolent.
If God is both able and willing to prevent evil in the world, then whence comes evil?
If God is neither willing nor able to prevent evil in the world, then why call him God?

Epicurus, Greek Philosopher (341 BC-270 BC)

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A “Below The Fold” Bonus Quote from  →  “Who Will Take On the Banks?”  ←

For those unfamiliar with the moral crime of usury, believing it's only a legal crime if loan sharks threaten your knee caps, let me quote from Ezekiel 22:12 of the King James Bible: “ ... Thou hast taken usury and increase, and thou hast greedily gained of thy neighbours by extortion, and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord God.”

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Brought To My Attention...

An Article I Missed, Brought To My Attention, That Is Important...
by David Rose at Vanity Fair, November 2007

                    →  “The People vs. The Profiteers”  ←

Above is the direct link to its original single-page “print” version...  It's not a short read, but the article does deserve quality attention by all American taxpayers, especially those Americans that simply have no clue of how criminally bad it was, still is, and continues to be.  (Note:  I'm not able to credit “Anonymous,” that brought this to my attention.)

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A “Below The Fold” Bonus article link, to...

→  “The Economic Consequences of Mr. Bush”  ←
by Joseph E. Stiglitz at Vanity Fair, December 2007

The next president will have to deal with yet another crippling legacy of George W. Bush: the economy.  A Nobel laureate, Joseph E. Stiglitz, sees a generation-long struggle to recoup.

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)

Monday, January 21, 2008

“Ancient Articles”

Articles From The Recent Past, That Resonate More Strongly Today...
by Mostly Our Allies and Indy Media, Since “Our” Corporatist-MSM did “IMMMorL” them.

[ “IMMMorL” = Ignored, Marginalized, Misrepresented, Manipulated, and/or out right Lied. ]

I present the following “Ancient Articles,” not only in case you missed them, but because their content is as important today, in some cases more so, now that the proof-of-their-truths has been proven/exposed by various reliable sources since they were published.

Also, (because the accuracy of the originals has been verified,) so that you may do your own comparison and research of how “our” corporatist controlled MSM “IMMMorL” concerning the exposures.

The “Ancient Articles”:  In no particular order, as all are of equal importance.

Ancient Article 1  -  Ancient Article 2  -  Ancient Article 3

Ancient Article 4  -  Ancient Article 5  -  Ancient Article 6

Ancient Article 7  -  Ancient Article 8  -  Ancient Article 9

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A “Below The Fold” Bonus article link, to last year's censored “Board to Death” article.
From the research team at → Project Censored ← at Sonoma State University.

Ancient Article 10

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

( sigh... )

Edwards’ Dismal Nevada Results Proves The Corporatists Are Winning.
by The Old Hippie Because The Reality Can’t Be Denied.

The DLCs’ pro-corporate/republican-lite candidate is winning.  The very fact that Hillary is winning, at this point, is proof positive of all that we in the reality-based citizenry have been saying concerning this Bush/Cheney administration since it was first elected selected in 2000... and that is that the worst case scenario of the destruction of our Constitutional Democracy, from within, can, and is, being “allowed” to happen.  As was warned many times throughout the history of this republic, by the Founders and many respected citizens since - It can happen.

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

“Our” opposing party's currently winning candidate...
has the most pro-corporatist record of the top 3 candidates...
and it is the most similar - to the opposed party itself.

You, the “allowing” citizenry, particularly within “our” opposing party, are obviously in a pathological state of self-destructive denial.  The facts of this “allowed self-destruction of our nation from within” are too strong, too numerous, and too well proven for you to continue to allow your own denial.

As I watched the self-destruction from within allowed to become reality over the last 20 years, particularly these last 7 years, my hope of your strength to stand up for, and to protect, our Constitution... has been, in retrospect, delusional.

Ben Franklin was correct - You do not deserve security, nor liberty.

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Seriously - Get pissed off - At least - Enough - Do something...  Anything...
That will help you, to help America, stop its purposely manipulated self-destruction.

If you haven’t done it so far, go watch...  → “Zeitgeist - The Movie”  ←  now.

If you doubt anything in the movie’s presentation -{you aren’t stupid}- Research it, look it up.

Obviously, since you are reading this on the internet, you have access to any search engine to do the research necessary to disprove, or to verify, anything yourself.  Please - Do it.  Now.

Otherwise - Please don’t bother me, as I simply don’t respond to trolls, and I do openly censor any sycophantic diatribe, and those that feed it by responding to it.

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Timely Reprises. . .

Tomorrow Nevada’s, (And S. C.’s GOP) Primaries Happen, So...
by The Old Hippy Because, Just Maybe, Our Last Real Hope of Saving the Constitution is Edwards.

Reality Observed: “John Edwards Is Pi$$ing Off All The Right People.”

Think Damn It: Why Do You Think “Our” MSM Has Done All It Can To Stop Edwards?

Yes John, They Are Ignoring You, And Trying To Get Us To Ignore You.  (They Fear You.)

None of the linked articles above appear in the American MSM - Ask youself...  Why?
Also keep in mind, Hillary and Obama have almost identical voting records.  Think about it...

The corporatist-right have very real reasons for promoting only the two “least dangerous” candidates (Status-quo-DLC'ed-Hillary, and too-close-to-the-monied-interest-Obama,) to their agenda of deregulation, Constitutional rape, and war-profiteering - Plus they also have an extreme fear of an anti-corporatist Edwards win, or a Edwards/Kucinich anti-war/pro-middle-class ticket.

John Edwards’ campaign isn’t about him.  It’s about us.

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Nothing else at this time.

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Just A Comment. . .

My Comment, In Response To The Following Excellent Article...
by The Old Hippie Concerning Bob Higgins’ Article at The Smirking Chimp.

“The "Founding Fathers" on Religion, and Crackpots - Part one: Franklin”

[ You should link to and read it first.  And now, my comment in response... ]

Read They, the high percentage of conned-born-again-evangelical-whack jobs simply don’t read/watch the reality-based media or history at all, as instructed to not do by their pa$tor$/con-men big-church leaders.

The pa$tor$ of the mega-churches know they have won the grandest con of all, outside of the corporatist aristocracy’s profitable rape of the national treasury, and neither group can abide their masses obtaining the knowledge of their own self-destruction.

Otherwise the profitable cons of both would fail.

Throughout the history of America, both were pretty much un-successful, until the late 1800’s, when a court reporter successfully reversed the decision of the Supreme Courts judges and turned corporations into “citizens” with the full rights of a human citizen, in the infamous... (and I quote...)

118 U.S. 394 - Argued January 26-29, 1886
Filed May 10, 1886
  [ Detailed Filing/Article Link ]

Editor's notes: There has been much misunderstanding about this Court decision.  Despite the issue being raised in arguments, the Justices offered no written opinion on the question of whether corporations should be considered "persons" and enjoy the protections of the 14th Amendment.  The Court reporter's notes, however, quoted Chief Justice Waite declaring that, "We all are of the opinion" that the 14th Amendement applies to corporations.

Many people (rightfully) are outraged that a Court reporter could turn the Bill of Rights and 14th Amendment on their heads, which effectively is what occurred once Santa Clara was cited as precedent in subsequent cases.  However, the fact that the Justices never issued an opinion on "corporate personhood" lost its legal significance once they cited the case.

(end quote)

From that point on, it’s been basically a downward roller-coaster ride for American citizen’s rights and education, and a profitable growth of corporatist profiteering and “Christian” profiteering, both being synergistically bound together in their need to dumb-down the masses to keep their profits growing.

There was only one time that this duo of profiteering Borg, and their sycophantic minions failed for a while.  Right after WWII through to 1980, when Regan was elected.  that short 35-odd years was a time of a strong middle-class, and the hope of an educated mass citizenry - - But because of the 1886 un-corrected purposeful mistake of making corporations people/citizens, the un-ending Borg-like maneuverings never ceased.  They both continued to carve away at the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and public mass education... That interfered with the flow of the profits to both the aristocracy and the mega-church pa$tor$.

The tipping point for both began with the Regan administration’s destruction of the middle-class through the break down of unions and the beginning of the movement of our manufacturing base to 3rd world nations, and solidified in Clinton/Gore administration’s DLC’s move to the corporate right-of-center with NAFTA/GATT, their so called welfare reforms, and the “War on Drugs.”

Then came this born-again/corporatist wet dream... The Bush administration, led by the delusional neo-cons.

“Deregulation.”  They were able to, quite successfully, place their sycophants throughout the entirety of the American governmental structures, and to use them to be allowed to completely reverse 220+ years hard fought for protections for us from their ilk.

They won.  And as the democrats in congress has proven since the 2006 mid-terms elections...

Resistance is futile.  Bummer.

But hey - As Huffington Post states, American Idol is Back!  With musical instruments(!) no less!  So vote for the DLC’s sycophant Hillary, or the too-close-to-the-money Obama, forget about anti-corporatist and anti-war-profiteering reality-based Edwards and Kucinich... (that the corporatist controlled media has also been allowed to successfully make “invisible” to the de-regulated masses.)

Or {y-a-w-n} ...just change the channel.


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And to answer...  Wrong.

Stop the “allowing” - Anyway you can.

Wake the fuck up!  Is quite possibly too late now - But it may not be -


Even though Obama would be better than any of the republicans, even republican-lite Hillary would be, but I have this strange feeling our only real hope left at this point is Edwards.  Support his election, and ignore the MSM’s purposeful ignoring/marginalization of him.

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Reality Observed. . .

Some Have The Ability To See The Actual Reality - Here Are But A Few...
by The Old Hippie Because it is Getting Worse by the Hour, and You Still Don't Impeach.

  -  “The Year Of Living Dangerously”     
      Bush in crisis.

  -  “The Theocrats Want ‘American Religious History Week’”  
      ...turning the founding fathers into Christian fundamentalists.

  -  “John Edwards Is Pi$$ing Off All The Right People.”
      John Edwards' campaign isn't about him.  It's about us.

  -  “Is Religion A Threat To Democracy?”
      Faith Talk on the Campaign Trail.
 Your Right

Bush Actually Did Say...  (And You Pretty Much “Allowed” Him To Prove It.)

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.

It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

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I haven’t a lot left to warn you about - If you are still too afraid to be pissed off enough by now - Then the great “they” have you.  It has reached the surreal point that they now openly sneer and laugh at your fears, cowardliness, apathy, and ignorance.

They are purposefully and openly destroying your freedoms, your environment, your family members’ lives in foreign illegal wars-of-aggression, all of which serve only the profits of wealth and control for their small group - - and you know they are - - and they know you know they are - - and they are sneering at you, because they know you will not get pissed off - enough.

As you have proven... over, and over, and over again... these past six years.

“Those inside history, see it the least.”

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Any Bets That “They” Will Ignore it?

Found At “Crooks and Liars” Today - Original Video Here -

Bet the corporatists' controllers purposely ignore the wishes of the American masses - again.

Does anyone out there still doubt that the MSM's corporatist controllers will, once again, purposely ignore the wishes of an overwhelming majority of the American citizenry, and that, once again, they will be “allowed” to get away with it, by that very same citizenry?

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Of course, if you are one of the 1%’ers...  You could care less - Right?

Or maybe if you're one the following...

- A paid collaborator and/or sycophant
- A fully in denial dittohead
- A conned and manipulated into your own self-destruction born-again fundamentalist
- A political apathetic who knows you are above it all

You could also care less - Right?

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)

Friday, January 11, 2008

Think, Damn It...

Why Do You Think “Our” MSM Has Done All It Can To Stop Edwards?
by The Old Hippie Because They Definitely Do Not Want Him To Have Control.

Have you already forgotten that 118 members of the boards of directors of the, (now just,) 6 corporations that control “our” mainstream media, are also members of the boards of the military industrial complex corporations, extractive energy corporations, HMO/pharmaceutical corporations, ag-chem corporations, et al...?!?  As was reported by Project Censored just this past year...

Here’s a reminder...  “...researchers at California’s Sonoma State University took a close look at the resumes of the 118 people who sit on the boards of directors of America’s ten largest media organizations.  The research team is part of the Project Censored, which for nearly three decades has been exposing journalistic self-censorship — “the news that didn’t make the News.”  They determined that the group of 118 board members in turn sit on the boards of 288 other major corporations.  They also discovered that eight out of the ten media behemoths share common memberships in each other’s boardrooms.”

Source Link:  “Board to Death”

Our allies’ media has noted it though, (the purposeful marginalization of Edwards.)  e.g. in the UK's Guardian (in their Business section,) in this January 11, 2008 article...

“U.S. corporate elite fear candidate Edwards”  Go read it now, and think, damn it.

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

Oh wait...  Silly me...  They have already proven they are capable of fooling the majority (or at least enough,) of Americans, for the majority of the time.  Most from the opposing side, (which I define as any “citizen” that is politically apathetic, a denial dittohead, a born-again whack job fundamentalist, a corporate sycophant, and/or any American that refuses to absorb the reality of the corporatist take-over of our government for any reason,) that even bothers to come here, have probably already quit reading, and/or didn't burden their beautiful minds by actually reading the Guardian's reality-based article.

Wake the fuck up, and think, damn it...  is definitely...
too little...  and quite possibly...  too late...

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Not a lot to say - Right? - Wrong.  Get pissed off - enough - do something... anything... That will help you to help America stop it’s (purposely manipulated,) self-destruction.

If you haven’t done it so far, go watch...  → “Zeitgeist - The Movie”  ←  now.

If you doubt anything in the movie’s presentation -{you aren’t stupid}- look it up, since you are reading this, you have access to any/all of the search engines to do the research necessary to disprove or verify anything yourself.  Do it.  Now.

Otherwise - Please don’t bother me, as I simply don’t respond to trolls, and I do openly censor any sycophantic diatribe, and those that respond to it.

Read the Rest of this Posting    →  Below The Fold  ←                  (Permanent Link Here)

Umm. . .

Just Three Articles Worth Your Time Today?
by The ever watchful people at Truthout.org, (and your faithful Old Hippie.)

by Amitabh Pal | “Bush Visits His Odious Saudi Friend”

Amitabh Pal writes for The Progressive: “How do you punish the principal global purveyor of fundamentalist Islam, someone who backed the Taliban and continues to harshly suppress political freedoms, women and religious minorities?  If you're President Bush, you reward him with a state visit, of course!”

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A Video: “Official Version of Naval Incident Starts to Unravel”

Gareth Porter reports for Inter Press Service, “Despite the official and media portrayal of the incident in the Strait of Hormuz early Monday morning as a serious threat to US ships from Iranian speedboats that nearly resulted in a ‘battle at sea,’ new information over the past three days suggests that the incident did not involve such a threat and that no US commander was on the verge of firing at the Iranian boats.”

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Oh - and did you notice that the Pentagon has “finished” its 4 year “investigation” of our Abu Ghraib torture mess?  They decided that the only officer charged... (wait for it...) should have all charges dropped.  Well... Isn't that special?

I guess that the world can get back to not hating us now - Right?

Wikipedia's posting of “Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse” link.

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Umm, and umm, and umm...  - Right?

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Reality Observed. . .

Some Have The Ability To See The Actual Reality - Here Are But A Few...
by The Old Hippie Because it is Getting Worse by the Hour, and You Still Don't Impeach.

  -  Recording May Not Have Been From Iranian Speedboats     
      They’ve already proven they’re capable of any lie.

  -  “Why I’m Still Not for Hillary Clinton”    
      ...her record enters my consciousness: her votes on Iraq...

  -  “Recession–Who Cares?”
      Goldman Sachs Also sees it - 2nd Article Link -

  -  Judge Won't Inquire Into CIA Tapes Case
      Well, golly-gee-whiz...  Why not?
 Your Right

Let Me Throw This In Your Face...  Bush Actually Did Say This. . .

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.

It's just a goddamn piece of paper!”

George W. Bush

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“The End of America - A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot”
Watch this very disturbing 48-min. video, and then buy Ms. Wolf's book.  Or just watch the video.
Or just read the book.  Then “spread the word.”  Time is running out.

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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Short And To The Point.

Of 19 Industrial Nations, America Rated Dead Last In Healthcare.
by The “Measuring the Health of Nations: Updating an Earlier Analysis” Study, Jan. 8, 2008
[ Link to the original APF article here. ]

WASHINGTON (AFP) — France is tops, and the United States dead last, in providing timely and effective healthcare to its citizens, according to a survey Tuesday of preventable deaths in 19 industrialized countries.

The study by the Commonwealth Fund and published in the January/February issue of the journal Health Affairs measured developed countries’ effectiveness at providing timely and effective healthcare.

The study, entitled “Measuring the Health of Nations: Updating an Earlier Analysis,” was written by researchers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. It looked at death rates in subjects younger than 75 that could have been prevented by timely and effective medical care.

The researchers found that while most countries surveyed saw preventable deaths decline by an average of 16 percent, the United States saw only a four percent dip.

The non-profit Commonwealth Fund, which financed the study, expressed alarm at the findings.

“It is startling to see the US falling even farther behind on this crucial indicator of health system performance,” said Commonwealth Fund Senior Vice President Cathy Schoen, who noted that “other countries are reducing these preventable deaths more rapidly, yet spending far less.”

The 19 countries, in order of best to worst, were: France, Japan, Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Some countries showed dramatic improvement in the periods studied -- 1997 and 1998 and again between 2002 and 2003 -- outpacing the United States, which showed only slight improvement.

White the United States ranked 15th of 19 between 1997-98, by 2002-03 it had fallen to last place.

“It is notable that all countries have improved substantially except the US,” said Ellen Nolte, lead author of the study.

Had the United States performed as well as any of the top three industrialized countries, there would have been 101,000 fewer deaths per year, the researchers said.

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Of course, if you're one of the 1%’ers, then you could care less - right?

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Umm. . .

One Trend That Carried Over From Iowa...
by The Old Hippie Because Seeing It Is Important.

Twice as many voted for Democrats in New Hampshire as voted for Republicans.

[ “Voter Turnout in NH Sets Record” - Full Article Link Here - (61° also helped turnout) ]
[ Exit polls showed half as many New Hampshire voters under 30 turned out than in Iowa. ]

Definitely a thought-provoking. . .  Umm. . .

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Enough said?

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Monday, January 07, 2008

The Obvious In Your Face...

It Can't Get More Obvious Than This. . .
by The Old Hippie because if You do not understand this, You can’t comprehend all the rest.

New Hampshire GOP Pulls Out Of Fox News Debate

By Eric Kleefeld - January 5, 2008 - Link to original article here.


The New Hampshire Republican Party has pulled out as a co-sponsor of tomorrow night's Fox News debate, due to the controversies surrounding the exclusion of Ron Paul.  Fox News is barring Paul from the debate, with many people believing it is because of his opposition to the Iraq War.

Bear in mind that Fox News is excluding Paul from the debate, despite the absence of any objective criteria that would shut out Paul and still include some of the other people they're inviting.  For example, Paul got 10% of the vote in Iowa, while invited candidate Rudy Giuliani took only 4% and is at about the same place as Paul in New Hampshire polls.

Do Note FOX's Implied Sneer Of... “Like You're Going To Do Anything About It.”
[ Crooks and Liars has an open thread running on this...  Direct link to it here. ]
[ FOX is also removing Ron Paul's name from AP articles - Proof link here. ]

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I haven’t a lot left to warn you about - If you are still too afraid to be pissed off enough by now - Then the great “they” have you.  It has reached the surreal point that they now openly sneer and laugh at your fears, cowardliness, apathy, and ignorance.

They are purposefully and openly destroying your freedoms, your environment, your family member’s lives in foreign illegal wars-of-aggression, all of which serve only the profits of wealth and control for their small group - - and you know they are - - and they know you know they are - - and they are sneering at you, because they know you will not get pissed off - enough.

As you have proven... over, and over, and over again... these past five years.

“Those inside history, see it the least.”

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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Stark & Scary Chart #2

What's wrong with the CSPAN's Coverage in one simple chart.
by The Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR)

CSPAN's Bias Towards Conservative Tank Tanks Exposed

Note:  The 1:10 bias... of the left (20) to the right (200).
→  Full article link here.  ←

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Of course, if you happen to be in the top 1% of wealthy Americans, you could care less - right?

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Saturday, January 05, 2008

A Trend...?

For Plutocratic-Faux-Christian-Corporatists, it's a Dangerous Trend
by The Old Hippie Because It’s the First Positive Trend I’ve Seen in Some Time.

Approximately 356,000 total votes in Iowa
per Candidate Percentage/Votes of the Total Vote:

  24.5% Obama[D] - - - (87,220)
  20.5% Edwards[D] - -  (72,980)
 19.8% Clinton[D] - - -  (70,488)
 11.4% Huckabee[R] - - (40,584)

Note:  The 1st place republican lost to the 3rd place democrat.

~232,000 democrats vs ~124,000 republicans turn out to vote - ummm...
If this trend continues, then the GOP/corporatists are going to go into their desperation do-anything, legal-or-illegal, to stop it, no matter what the consequences to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, environment, social order, you, your family, the economy, worldwide political stability. . .

{-The Way Many Picture Me-}

Oh wait...  Silly me...  They already have proven they are capable of all of that in the last seven years, haven’t they?  To list but a few; “Our” war-of-aggression in Iraq, in Gitmo, in the “secret” torture prisons, in “legalizing” torture, in paying Blackwater to control New Orleans post Katrina, with no-bid contracts to Halliburton/KBR/etc., the proven lies and further lies to cover the original lies, the proven MSM’s cover of the 2000-selection-election, and then the proven illegal 2004-stolen-election of Bush, the support of “swift-boat-veterans-for-truth” (which are returning-link,) the emptying of “our” record treasury surplus into the record deficit, the fact that America is the most imprisoned nation on the planet (and in history-link1-link2-link3,) Habeas Corpus gone, etc., etc., etc... Wake the fuck up just simply may be... too little... too late...

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Not a lot to say - Right? - Wrong.  Get pissed off - enough - do something... anything... That will help you to help America to stop it’s self-destruction.

If you haven’t done it so far, go watch...  → “Zeitgeist - The Movie”  ←  now.

If you doubt anything in the movie’s presentation -{you aren’t stupid}- look it up, since you are reading this, you have access to any/all of the search engines to do the research to verify anything yourself.  Do it.  Now.

Otherwise - Please don’t bother me, as I simply don’t respond to trolls, and openly censor sycophantic diatribe, and those that (feed it) respond to it.

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Friday, January 04, 2008


About Time “Something Real Is Happening” Appeared.
by The American Democratic Voters, January 4, 2007

Hillary “status quo” Clinton’s 3rd place, 9 point, loss in Iowa is the first sign of hope I’ve seen in months.  I admit I’d rather it had been anti-corporatist Edwards, instead of the still-too-close-to-monied-interest Obama that won today, but I am very encouraged by the surprising turn-out of Edwards and Obama voters, and the statement of awareness they made with their votes.

Their collective voice, heard loud and clear across the conciseness of America... can not, and will not, be ignored, even by the corporatists’ controllers of the mainstream media.  It is too strong of an indication of an awakening-awareness that there just may be a light at the end of the tunnel of these past seven dark years.  It’s a start...  But only a start.

At least it is a beginning to a possible ending of the purposeful destruction of our Constitutional Democracy by this criminal plutocratic faux-theocratic corporatist administration, that has been allowed to be so sneeringly successful these past seven years.  It is a given that they will do all they can to stop this possible hope of possible awakening that is dangerous to their destructive profiteering - They are not stupid, and not without considerable power, and if pushed... will become even more insanely dangerous than they have already proven to be.

I think these next 10 months are not only going to be interesting, but also very dangerous... If this first sign of true awakening awareness of a possible ending of their control continues to expand beyond today.

Note also, Huckabee, a born-again whack job, won on the republican side - Not who “they,” the real powers behind the political facade, wanted to win.  The real GOP controllers have got to be freaking out - and when they get freaked out, scared, desperate... they, like any trapped/cornered vicious animal, become much more dangerous than when they believe they are in control of the masses.

It would not be hyperbole to say that to doubt their sociopathic ability to pathologically react to their fear of loss of control... would be stupidity beyond comprehension.  - - -  Yes, the next 10 months are going to be interesting.

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Noting else at this time.

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Thursday, January 03, 2008

“The American Union” - WTF Is It?!?

Lou Dobbs At CNN Gives You A Good Start To Knowing...
by Lou Dobbs at CNN via YouTube.com

Go to the original YouTube page - watch what others have presented on this dangerous “secret corporatist concern” in the “Related Videos” section - Then do your own vigilant research - to prove to yourself... that this is not a tin-hat-conspiracy, but a corporatist political reality that isn’t maybe, or could be happening...  It is happening.

Then, seriously, ask yourself why you didn’t know WTF it was in the 1st place.

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Since you seem to have actually forgotten, here is yet another reminder of how destructive of a force all of the “good American’s allowing” throughout these past seven years has become. . .

Mr. Bush actually did say, within petulant anger...

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.

It’s just a goddamn piece of paper!”
[“freedom”  ...demands reality.]

If you haven’t done so yet, it wouldn’t hurt to spend a couple of eye-opening-reality hours with “Zeitgeist - The Movie” either.

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Stark & Scary Isn't It?

What's wrong with the US healthcare system in one simple chart.
by UC Atlas at U.C.S.C.

[Original Here]

Cost Of Long Life per Country

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Of course, if you happen to be in the top 1% of wealthy Americans, you could care less - right?

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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Reality Check. . .

Some Have The Ability To See The Actual Reality - Here Are But A Few...
by The Old Hippie, Important Reads, For The Knowledge Alone.

A listing of recent, and current, articles of importance, and interest beyond "just politics."  News, information, and informed opinion with a reality-based perspective.
All of which were selected for the over-all impact of the information/opinion each present - and the fact that they are damn hard to find in the American corporate media, if at all, and when found there, they're usually buried, or twisted by the wants of political theater and profit, over the needs of the public interest.

All selections are “Below The Fold,” and are also clearly linked to their original sources.

I have strived to make sure all of the selections are fair, balanced, and reality-based.  Not the biased partisan propaganda pretending to be news, which has reached such a level as to be a real danger to the continuing existence of our democracy.

           (by The Propaganda Remix Project)

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Blackwater too Hardcore for International Mercenary Association
by Matt Stoller, Dec. 31, 2007

“The International Peace Operations Association, which is the trade association for mercenaries inspired by the efforts of mercenary group Executive Outcomes to end the Sierra Leone Civil War, has parted ways with Blackwater.  Apparently Blackwater doesn't want to follow the group's conduct code, the "set of ethical and professional guidelines for companies in the peace and stability operations industry."  Initially Blackwater, a member in good standing since 2004, agreed to be reviewed by the group after the accusations that the company killed 17 Iraqis in Baghdad last month.  Now they don't want to be reviewed.”

Full Article Link

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Millions in the Slammer: ...

by Nomi Prins, Dec. 30, 2007

We Must Reverse America's Zeal to Incarcerate - The U.S. has the most prisoners and
the highest jailing rate of any country -- The insanity must stop.

Full Article Link

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The Five Iraqs

by Scott Ritter, Dec. 30, 2007

“There are, in fact, five Iraqs that must be dealt with by a singular American policy.
The first is...”

Full Article Link

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Oligarchical Decay

by Glenn Greenwald, Dec. 30, 2007

“In case after case, our political establishment has adopted the “principle” that our most powerful actors are immune from the rule of law.  And they’ve adopted the enabling supplemental “principle” that any information which our political leaders want to keep suppressed is — by definition, for that reason alone — information that is “classified” and should not be disclosed.”

Full Article Link

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Big Brother, Inc.: Politics & Power

by James Verini at Vanity Fair, Dec. 13, 2007

“Knowing your business is big business for Aristotle Inc., whose Orwellian database of voter records has been an essential campaign tool for every president since Ronald Reagan.  As the 2008 race heats up, the company’s shadowy founder, John Aristotle Phillips, unveils his most powerful personal-space invader yet.”

Full Article Link

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Happy New Year!

Just To Start Your Election Year Off On A Rational/Reality Footing. . .

“The national government will maintain and defend the foundations on which the power of our nation rests.  It will offer strong protection to Christianity as the very basis of our collective morality.  Today Christians stand at the head of our country.  We want to fill our culture again with the Christian spirit.  We want to burn out all the recent immoral developments in literature, in the theatre, and in the press — in short, we want to burn out the poison of immorality which has entered into our whole life and culture as a result of Liberal excess during the past years.”

  — Adolph Hitler - Taken from The Speeches of Adolph Hitler, 1922-1939, Vol. 1,
      Michael Hakeem, Ph.D. (London, Oxford University Press, 1942), pp. 871-872.

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Have a nice rest - This is the start of the election year.

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